Community Services

Conference Center Division

What we are

The Ukiah Valley Conference Center (UVCC) is a multi-use facility that operates as a meeting focused event center for small or large events, as well as providing tenant spaces for retail and offices.

UVCC is an important asset to the City of Ukiah that serves as a hub of commerce and connection that brings people from all over the state to downtown Ukiah.

The Conference Center also coordinates tenant activities at other City properties.

What we do

  • Provide room rentals in downtown Ukiah for small or large events
  • Provide tenant leases for retail and office space
  • Provide local catering services for clients
  • Event coordination and reservations for City parks and other facilities
  • Maintain and operate City owned facilities and the Alex Rorabaugh Recreation Center
  • Serve as a hub of commerce and connection in Ukiah
  • Staff participates in supporting and staffing City of Ukiah events

Our People

Budget Summary: Costs

Here is a summary of the budget unit in graphical form, illustrating direct costs and indirect costs. Click on the graph to explore greater detail of the unit's budget.

Budget Summary: Just the Numbers

Similar to the graph to the left, here is a summary of the budget unit, just the numbers. It illustrates direct costs and indirect costs. Click on the table to explore greater detail of the unit's budget.


  • Increase signage for rear of building. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Signage has been completed at various locations throughout the building. This project was completed in November & December of 2019.
  • Replace lighting in Red Rooms. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Lighting has been replaced with efficient LED lighting. This project was completed over a span of July through December of 2019.
  • Emphasize marketing strategies. | On-going | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to work on various marketing strategies including developing a social media campaign.
  • Repair roof. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Roof repair was completed in August 2019.
  • Continue comprehensive inspection of banquet furniture inventory to maintain functionality. | On-going | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Chairs and carpet were replaced in July and August of 2019.
  • Paint interior hallways. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Hallways have been painted. This project was completed during the months of November and December of 2019.
  • Purchase and install automated drop down screens. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Three new drop down screens were purchased and installed in October 2019.

COVID-19 Budgetary Response


There is currently no impact, however, if rentals don’t meet minimal cost recovery part-time personnel hours may need to be reduced or shared between other divisions or furloughed. If this should happen our full-time staff will do everything possible not to have service delivery impacted. This may require overlapping of responsibilities.


The primary impact to our operation is a significant reduction in rentals. We immediately responded by offering socially distanced meeting spaces and micro special events. We’ve also kept our tenants throughout the COVID-19 closures.


The UVCC had scheduled to repair floor tile and perform restroom updates on failing fixtures which will be deferred.

Future Objectives

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Objectives will be reviewed and adjusted throughout the year.


  • Replacement of tiles near main entrance and throughout building. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Tiles are broken and need to be replaced.
  • Install security cameras. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Install security cameras throughout the building for theft and safety issues.
  • Upgrade bathroom counters and sinks. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: The bathroom counters and sinks are used daily and are showing signs of wear and needing replacement.


  • Paint small conference rooms. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: This is part of a building maintenance schedule.
  • Install security key less entry throughout the building. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Installation of security key less entry throughout the building is needed for the safety of staff, tenants and renters.


  • Paint exterior building. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: This is part of the building maintenance schedule and will be planned in the City's CIP.

The Numbers Over Time

Budget by Character

Budget by Fund


  1. Nothing significant to note.