Community Services

Parks Division

What we are

The City of Ukiah Parks Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of seventeen parks, Ukiah Municipal Swimming Pools, five sporting areas, five tennis courts, and also provides maintenance for nine parking lots, the city sub stations, Successor Agency properties, the Civic Center, Ukiah Railroad Depot property, Ukiah trail systems including the Great Redwood Trail, and the School Street planters. The department also provides support for community activities which utilize City parks and many other recreation activities.

What we do

  • Grounds maintenance to all City Properties
  • Maintenance and Replanting of trees and plants in all parks
  • Maintenance of City Street Trees
  • Playground maintenance
  • Cleans and maintains public facilities located in parks
  • Park safety
  • Management of department equipment and vehicles
  • Maintenance of outdoor recreation facilities including:
Anton Stadium
Ukiah Skate Park
Ukiah Sport Complex
Riverside Park

Our People

Budget Summary: Costs

Here is a summary of the budget unit in graphical form, illustrating direct costs and indirect costs. Click on the graph to explore greater detail of the unit's budget.

Budget Summary: Just the Numbers

Similar to the graph to the left, here is a summary of the budget unit, just the numbers. It illustrates direct costs and indirect costs. Click on the table to explore greater detail of the unit's budget.


  • Vinewood Park continued renovations. | In Progress | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: The first phase of renovations were completed June 2019. This included improvements to the pathways, new basketball court, new picnic tables and planting of eight new trees. Staff has applied for grants for future improvements to the park.
  • Oak Manor Park renovations. | In Progress| DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff applied for Proposition 68 Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization funding for OakManor Park renovations. Grant awards were to be announced fall of 2019. Staff received notification from the State in November 2019 that applications are still in the review process, and applicants should receive a grant award or grant denial letter sometime in early 2020.
  • Continued efforts working with volunteer groups to keep our parks herbicide free. | In Progress | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Several volunteer workdays were completed in 2019 and new workdays have been scheduled for 2020. Staff received a letter of appreciation from Climate Action Mendocino recognizing steps taken for their efforts reducing the use of non-organic herbicides in Ukiah City Parks.
  • Removal of building (old Parks Department Office) located at Anton Stadium. | Completed | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: The building at Anton Stadium was removed in September 2019.
  • Riverside Park Regeneration Project. | In Progress | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to work with Melton Design Group to complete the Riverside Regeneration Project. The project is funded by the California Urban Rivers Grant Program.
  • Observatory Park Strategic Plan. | In Progress | DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: In January, Staff worked with NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey to secure a two year loan agreement for the Strasser & Rohde pendulum clock and the Wanschaffe Zenith Telescope. This has allowed the historical items to remain with the City for public viewing at Observatory Park. In November, a new interpretive sign was developed and installed at Observatory Park.

COVID-19 Budgetary Response


This pandemic has postponed the replacement of 1 full-time position, currently unfilled, and two seasonal positions, as well as 1 position that was approved for the 2020-21 FY.

The Parks Department has staff scheduled seven days a week. With the loss of seasonal employees, the full-time/permanent employees crew has to be split up to cover weekends, resulting in a smaller crew during the week.

The limited staffing level will hinder completion times of routine maintenance duties as well as larger projects.


The Parks division has a limited adjustable budget to begin with. Utilities, trainings, fuels, etc. are dependent on weather, expiration dates, and current prices. The main areas to lower costs were in supplies and Capital Improvements. This may result in temporary fixes or closing of certain amenities, and deferring maintenance on others. Future repair costs may be higher.


Parks Maintenance has postponed all capital projects as of this time.

Future Objectives

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Objectives will be reviewed and adjusted throughout the year.


  • Replacement of pathways at Todd Grove Park. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to look for funding for this project.
  • Replacement of playground equipment at Todd Grove Park. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to look for funding for this project. There may be State Per Capita funds available, late spring 2020.
  • Todd Grove Park picnic area improvements. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff is working on designs for this project.
  • Observatory Park Strategic Plan. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to work on goals and objectives for this project. Staff is working to develop additional interpretive signage for the park and renovate/install displays and bookcases to showcase the historical items in the Observatory Office.


  • Replace Pool Pump House. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: The Pool Pump House is in need of replacement due to age and general deterioration of the building. Staff islooking for funding for this project.
  • Replace irrigation systems at Todd Grove Recreation Area including Todd Grove Park, Golf Course, Anton Stadium, Giorno Field and Loin's Park. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to look for funding for this project.
  • Replacement of irrigation system at the City of Ukiah's Sports Complex, Oak Manor Park and Vinewood Park. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues to look for funding for this project.


  • Replacement of irrigation and pathways at McGarvey Park. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues looking for funding for this project.
  • Replacement of restroom roof at sports complex fields. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues looking for funding for this project.
  • New park located in the Wagonseller area. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues looking for funding and working with other agencies for this project.
  • Todd Grove Park wall and parking safety. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Staff continues looking for funding for this project.

The Numbers Over Time

Budget by Character

Budget by Fund


  1. Nothing significant to note.