ARPA City-Managed Projects

Investment in Digital Literacy and Access

These city-managed ARPA programs seek to eliminate the digital divide. Secure, affordable, and fast digital access means more flexibility and options – connecting to work, education, healthcare, and support services. The city has a planned allocation of $12.02 million over four years to:

• Cybersecurity and Software

• Support for the Hybrid Workforce and E-Government

• Planning and Conducting a Community Connectivity Assessment

• Ensuring Website Digital Accessibility

Community Connectivity Assessment & Planning

Based on Mayor and Council direction, these funds are being redirected to another City-managed fund category: Affordable and Stable Housing.

Digital Accessibility (Website Improvements)

Dedicated dollars to revamping the City of Tucson website’s navigation, functionality, and design to improve the user experience and connection to services. The new ADA-compliant site is slated to launch winter 2022.