Environmental and General Services Overview

Fiscal Year 2022/23

Mission Statement

To promote a healthy Tucson community by providing innovative and effective waste management, environmental and code enforcement services and maintaining City building, communications, and vehicle assets to support City-wide service delivery.


The following programs are included in this department:

Staffing By Program

*Full Time Equivalent Employee (FTE)

Budget By Program

Department Expenses

Budget By Expense Category

Budget By Funding Source

Significant Changes

The adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2022/23 of $129,795,110 reflects a net increase of $11,157,100 from the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Adopted Budget. Major changes include the following:

  • Increase in salary and employee related expenses by $840,540
  • Increase in outside vendor services and miscellaneous professional services by $1,133,040
  • Increase in general fund gas and diesel by $3,395,530
  • Increase in vehicle repair parts by $350,000
  • Increase in Capital Improvement Projects for Los Reales Landfill and others by $5,350,000
  • Increase in miscellaneous costs by $87,990


Re-envisioning the City’s recycling and waste reduction program consistent with Zero Waste principles continues to be a priority. The department is also embarking on the deployment of high impact low-cost projects at Los Reales Sustainability Campus consistent with the City of Tucson Declaration of Climate Emergency.


The Environmental and General Services continues to provide uninterrupted internal and external services in support of all city operations and services.

Future Objectives

The department continues to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the various work units and programs; the office is also taking an active role in addressing community wide clean-up requests resulting from homelessness encampments and implementation of various initiatives and projects intended to address climate change.