Influence of Planning Processes on the Operating and Capital Budget

Budget Summaries - Section 4

The Town utilizes several planning processes that affect the development of the operating budget. Effective planning processes assist that Town in assessing the financial implications of current and proposed policies, programs and assumptions. An effective plan illustrates the likely outcomes of particular courses of action.

Name of Plan: General Government Long-Range Financial Forecast

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan to facilitate long-term financial planning.

Description of Planning Process

Forecast of revenues, expenditures, service levels and staffing needs.

Budget Impact

Allows for priority allocation of resources & expenditure control.

Name of Plan: Strategic Plan

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan that involves the development and prioritization of strategic goals along with measureable strategies and objectives.

Description of Planning Process

Town Council identificatoin of critical success factors necessary for the Town to operate at its best.

Budget Impact

Ensure that projects, programs and services are aligned with the Strategic Plan's set goals and outcomes.

Name of Plan: Computer Replacement

Type of Planning Process

Three-year plan of the replacement of computers and other technology items.

Description of Planning Process

Development of replacement intervals based on equipment age, usage and lifetime repair costs.

Budget Impact

Timing and sizing of replacement & technology upgrade costs.

Name of Plan: Capital Improvements Plan (Fund 50)

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan of major infrastructure development and improvements.

Description of Planning Process

Town Council indentification of projects; prioritizing; costing; timing; financing and project management.

Budget Impact

Predictable funding/reserve levels, long-term financial planning.

Name of Plan: Facilities Repair & Replacement (Fund 81)

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan by facility and maintenance activity or project.

Description of Planning Process

The prioritization of departmental requests for projects and schedule & funding of maintenance requirements.

Budget Impact

Stability of General Fund & capital reserves.

Name of Plan: Fleet, Tools, Equipment Repair & Replacement (Fund 82)

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan of scheduled vehicle and heavy equipment replacement.

Description of Planning Process

Development of replacement intervals based on equipment age, usage and lifetime repair costs.

Budget Impact

Timing and sizing of replacement costs & financing.

Name of Plan: Parks Capital Maintenance

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan by facility, maintenance activity or project.

Description of Planning Process

Identifies, prioritizes and schedules improvements to parks, medians and grounds.

Budget Impact

Stability of General Fund & capital reserves.

Name of Plan: Street Maintenance

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan to maintain and improve roadways, sidewalks, curbs and gutters.

Description of Planning Process

Inspection, prioritization and scheduling of surface repair and preventative maintenance of streets.

Budget Impact

Stability of General Fund, and revenue from State Gas Tax, Measure T, Senate Bill 1 (SB1) & potential grant appropriations.

Name of Plan: ADA Transition Plan (Funded in Fund 50)

Type of Planning Process

A five-year guidance document focused on improving the accessibility of facilities and pedestrian rights-of-way within Town limits.

Description of Planning Process

A detailed outline of the methods to be used to make facilities accessible by planning cost level estimates.

Budget Impact

Predictable funding/reserve levels, long-term financial planning.

Name of Plan: General Plan

Type of Planning Process

A twenty-year document that outlines future development and incorporates elements including: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise and Safety.

Description of Planning Process

Comprised of elements that provide a comprehensive slate of townwide policies and goals for development including housing and circulation. The General Plan influences the regulation in the Municipal Code, particularly the zoning and design ordinances.

Budget Impact

Stability of General Fund.

Name of Plan: Climate Action Plan

Type of Planning Process

Strategy to achieve emission reductions that will align local levels to levels consistent with State goals to reduce greehouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

Description of Planning Process

Compiles existing and potential strategies (i.e., actions, projects and programs) that the Town's government and the community can use to address climate change.

Budget Impact

Stability of General Fund revenues and capital reserves to comply with General Plan provisions.

Influence of Planning Processes on Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds

Name of Plan: Utility Rate Plan

Type of Planning Process

Five-year plan to fund capital projects and long-term financial stability of Enterprise Funds.

Description of Planning Process

Forecast of revenues, expenses, service levels and personnel.

Budget Impact

Allows for priority allocation of resources & expense control.