Development & Growth Management

Fiscal Year 2022 Operating and Capital Budget

Department Finance Information



The Development and Growth Management Department (DGM) performs multiple planning, building, development, real estate, preservation, and housing efforts throughout the City. DGM administers the City’s construction permitting, including policies and programs to ensure safe, code compliant residential and commercial structures; land entitlement and regulation processes including zoning, variances, special uses, and alcoholic beverage; real estate portfolio management and execution including disposition, acquisition, and leasing; housing and community development programs which assist in the creation of new affordable housing opportunities, housing rehabilitation and homelessness prevention; and architectural review and historic preservation to maintain the integrity of and serve as the steward of Tampa’s historic districts, landmarks, and structures.


The following activities focus on implementing Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow Strategic Goals.

  • Focus on education, outreach, and development and growth management related initiatives;
  • Administer available federal and state funding to create affordable housing inventory, provide housing rehabilitation and homelessness services, and safe and affordable rental and single-family homes;
  • Deliver efficient permitting and inspection services that ensure structures are constructed safely and in compliance with state and local codes and regulations;
  • Encourage historic preservation, stabilize neighborhoods, increase property values, and facilitate investments;
  • Provide community outreach and educational programs on the benefits of historic designation, historic preservation, housing foreclosure prevention assistance, and environmentally sustainable practices;
  • Ensure the design of new urban projects contribute to the compatible redevelopment of the city and meet the standards of detail and function representative of a successful urban center;
  • Continue to acquire and dispose of valuable City real estate assets and monitor city lease agreements for the benefit of the citizens of Tampa; and
  • Continue to investigate complaints of illegal discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.


  • Construction Services is achieving its service goals to enhance quality and timeliness of service. The division has added several initiatives aimed at providing new and enhanced services to our citizens to better navigate our building and development processes.
  • Development Coordination continues to serve the public and development community in processing of applications for consideration by Tampa City Council, managing alcoholic beverage permits and enforcement, guiding implementation of design standards in the overlay districts and Downtown, and transportation design.
  • Housing and Community Development continues to implement federal and state grant funding for housing construction, rehabilitation, home ownership assistance programs and homelessness prevention.
  • Architectural Review and Historic Preservation administers historic design guidelines in historic districts and implements the Interstate Preservation trust fund issuing grants and loans for rehabilitation projects.
  • Real Estate manages the City real estate portfolio while delivering services of acquisition, disposition, and leasing. The team continues to evaluate and assess the portfolio for opportunities to align with strategic initiatives and profitably market City-owned real estate.
  • The Tampa Office of Human Rights investigates/conciliates complaints involving accessibility and discrimination issues within the City of Tampa.
An image depicting a Tampa construction site
An image depicting a construction site in Downtown Tampa

Operating Budget Analysis

Revenues earned by this General Fund department do not fully fund the department’s operations. General revenues provide the remaining funding. Licenses and Permits significantly decreased from Revised FY2021 due to the Development and Growth Management Right-of-Way section transferring to the Mobility Department. Charges for Services decrease 18.4% from Revised FY2021 due to a reduction in zoning activities. Other Revenues decrease 13.8 % from Revised FY2021 due to a drop in the sale of city property and the base rent per the a Tampa Convention Center Retail Space (Smuggler’s Cover) lease agreement.

Personnel Expenses increase from Revised FY2021 is due to increases in salaries, pension contributions, and healthcare costs. FTE count also increased by 8.25.

Total Budget

Budgeted Position Counts