Mobility Dashboard


Mobility Performance Charts


Potholes are formed from voids in asphalt roads where deteriorated asphalt has been detached by the elements and vehicle traffic. Moisture seeps into asphalt Right Of Ways and creates these voids which are caused by the contraction and expansion of water. The City of Tampa maintains approximately 1,160 miles of asphalt roadways. The City’s performance standard is to repair potholes no longer than three business days after notification. The three-day response standard is time-honored to enhance driving safety and reduce personal property damage. Multiple factors are assessed when planning a pothole repair, for example; level of traffic, availability of personnel/equipment/materials, and the time until scheduled rehabilitation. Pothole repairs are captured and reported by the number of potholes repaired per month.

Stormwater Operations and Maintenance


There are approximately 575 miles of stormwater piping within the City. The performance target for inspection and cleaning is 75 miles per year (6.25 miles per month). Debris, sediment, and vegetation are removed and transported to a processing facility. Additionally, the culvert type, size, location and its condition are documented. This work is done to reduce flooding and identify necessary repair and restoration projects.


Stormwater cave-ins occur regularly throughout the City and are typically more prevalent in the wetter months. A cave-in is a depression in the right-of-way that is caused by a failing utility. Each utility department (Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater) encounters cave-ins and repairs them according to severity and urgency. On an average, Stormwater Operations repairs 150 to 175 cave-ins per year which equates to 2 to 4 cave-ins per week. All stormwater cave-ins are repaired by City in-house resources.


There are approximately 188 miles of stormwater ditch systems within the City. The performance target for inspection and maintenance is 26.9 miles per year (2.4 miles per month). Debris, sediment, and vegetation are removed and transported to a facility for processing. Ditches that need maintenance are graded by in-house resources and contractors. Ditches are cleaned, graded and sodded to reduce flooding and enhance water quality.


An outfall is a point where collected and concentrated surface and stormwater runoff is discharged from a pipe system or culvert. The City has an inventory of over 900 outfalls with approximately 378 of those listed as “major.” A Major outfall is defined by the NPDES MS4 permit as a 36” in diameter or larger pipe, or an outfall that drains an area larger the 50 acres. The maintenance goal for outfalls is to inspect all of the major outfalls every year. Outfalls that need maintenance are cleaned by in-house resources and contractors.


The City currently maintains 144 ponds, 85 miles of ditches and 27 vacant lots reserved for future ponds. To keep storm water ponds and ditches functioning properly they require monthly maintenance. The maintenance includes grass-cutting, pond spraying of invasive vegetation, Fence repairs, sediment dredging, removal of illegal dumping and trash pickup. Storm water ponds and ditches are designed to collect rainwater from impermeable surfaces such as parking lots, roads and buildings. Rainwater is absorbed into the soil helping prevent flooding and improve the water quality in the aquafer, river and bay. Maintenance is a key part needed to help keep the city above water.


Street Resurfacing

There are approximately 1,212 miles of City-owned roadways. Projects are scheduled each year for design and resurfacing in accordance with approved funding levels. Resurfacing roadways enhances safety and the level of service for the traveling public.

Sidewalk Maintenance

There are approximately 851 miles of sidewalk and 2000 miles of curb within the city limits. Repairs are driven mainly by citizen requests. Repair volumes are tied to annual funding with a goal to address each request by the end of the city’s fiscal year. This year’s performance target is 16,800 feet. Along with repairs, the City works with a concrete grinding contractor. Sidewalk joint grinding is a cost effective method of leveling trip hazards and substantially reducing injuries to citizens from trip and fall accidents by grinding down the uneven joints between sidewalk panels. Sidewalk and curb repairs enhance pedestrian safety, mobility and promote healthier communities.

The City of Tampa is dedicated to motorist, pedestrian and bicyclist safety. With more than 130 miles of bicycle facilities on Tampa's roadways, we recognize how important it is to share the road in order to ensure everyone's safety.

Right-of-Way Permitting

City road


ROW Permits team coordinates assets and schedules for activity. The number "Submitted" reflects the volume of applications processed in the month.


ROW Permitting Inspections team reviews the safety of the set up of temporary traffic control and then how the ROW is restored after the activity. The inspection tasks reflect quantity of work performed.


Activity within the ROW influences mobility for people traveling. The fees paid reflect how the City is compensated for the disruption.


Activity within the ROW influences mobility for people traveling. The fees paid reflect how the City is compensated for the disruption.

ROW Permits team coordinates assets and schedules for activity. The number "Issued" reflects the volume of activities started and issued in the defined year.