Road & Bridge

Maintaining nearly 500 miles of roads in the county is a big undertaking. Learn about the Road & Bridge budget here.

Maintaining County Roads

Road & Bridge Superintendent Billy Pape

Road & Bridge $7.6 million

What We Do: Sublette County Road & Bridge is responsible for maintaining nearly 500 miles of roads in the county.

Budget Summary: Personnel costs of $2.15 million make up the largest chunk of the operations budget administered by R&B Superintendent Billy Pape. Two line items in the budget are each more than $1 million: Soil stabilizer (mag-water), and gas and oil. Material costs (culverts, cattle guards, etc.) are estimated at $672,000, crusher costs are budgeted $180,000, and gravel purchase is estimated at $100,000. Miscellaneous projects and engineering is budgeted $330,000. Utilities, telephone and radio maintenance are estimated at about $179,000.

Budget compared to last year: +33%

Reason for difference: In addition to increases in personnel costs, this budget reflects more than a $1 million increase in various costs and materials associated with operating heavy equipment on projects throughout the county.

Road & Bridge Superintendent Billy Pape