Water Fund


The city accounts for the water and wastewater revenues and expenditures as two separate funds, however, they are budgeted as one fund in the budget ordinance as well as reported as one fund called the Utility Fund in our Annual Financial Statements. Enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner like private business enterprise. Services provided by these funds are intended by City Council to be predominately self-supporting through user charges. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in these funds, including administration, operations, maintenance, financing, and other related debt service.

The distribution personnel are responsible for the water mains, fire hydrants, water tanks, and valves that provide fire protection and potable water to your home or business.


  • Water Rights Management
  • Meter Reading/Billing
  • Distribution
  • Administration
  • Water Conservation
  • Capital
  • Debt Service

Our People

Expenditures by Division

Expenditures by Classification

Revenues by Classification

Revenues and Expenditures

Capital Projects with 2022 Funding

The Numbers Over Time - Expenditures

The Numbers Over Time - Revenues