Municipal Court (General Fund)

FY2023-24 Adopted Budget

Department Purpose:

The Springfield Municipal Court is a division of the 31st Judicial Circuit Court of Greene County. The Municipal Court is committed to providing a forum for the fair and impartial resolution of cases filed by the Prosecuting Attorney pursuant to the Springfield City Code and City Charter.

Department Mission:

The Springfield Municipal Court strives for the just, fair and expeditious resolution of cases alleging a violation of Springfield City Ordinances and City Charter. To accomplish our mission, we will: treat court users fairly and respectfully, ensure the effective and efficient use of judicial resources, and enhance the public’s understanding of the court system. If we accomplish our goals, the results will be: prompt, fair and courteous treatment by court personnel; cases that are resolved within time standards without sacrificing the quality of justice; and a better understanding of court processes by the public.

FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:

Added an executive secretary position and $10,000 of on-going funding in temporary wages for part-time Municipal Court Bailiff.

Moved two Probation Officers back to Municipal Court from the Law Department and added a .5 Court Specialist and a .5 Deputy Clerk of the Court during FY2023.

Added $10,953 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance and consumer price index adjustment.

Per City Council's recommendation 05.16.23 - Reallocated $62,609 of city-wide contingency to Municipal Court for an additional probation officer.

Summary of Expenditures:

Personal Services Summary:

Performance Measures: