City Manager (General Fund)

FY2023-24 Adopted Budget

Department Purpose:

The City Manager’s Office leads and coordinates the work of various departments and all City staff. The City Manager’s Office serves as the primary conduit between City Council and City staff.

Department Mission:

The mission of the City Manager’s Office is to responsibly administer the policies and ordinances of the City Council, acting as a conduit between citizens, groups, departments, and public officials. The City Manager provides leadership and vision to City Staff and the Leadership Team to encourage efficient, open, and effective municipal government that best addresses the concerns and goals of the citizens and visitors of Springfield within the City government’s resources.

FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:

Merit is recommended to be funded and is reflected in each departmental budget. The City Manager's budget includes a pool of additional pay plan improvements for all General Fund employees totally $3,778,047.

Added $25,000 of on-going funding in temporary wages for internship opportunities.

Added $153,275 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance and consumer price index adjustment.

Added $10,000 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for Sculpture Walk Springfield. Also, up to $10,000 of one-time funding is available as a opportunity for matching funds for private donations.

Added $50,000 of one-time funding in operating supplies and services for security cameras, outdoor seating, and other equipment for Commercial Street.

Per City Council's recommendation 05.16.23 - Reallocated $118,609 of city-wide contingency: $62,609 to Municipal Court for a probation officer and $56,000 to the Fire Department for State of Missouri, Firefighter Critical Illness Pool trust for CY 2023 and CY2024.

Summary of Expenditures:

Personal Services Summary:

Performance Measures: