City Clerk (General Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Purpose:
The City Clerk’s Office helps ensure compliance with State law, City Charter, and City Code. They serve as a liaison between the citizens of Springfield and their elected officials. The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for and designated as the Custodian of Records for the City of Springfield. In addition, the City Clerk’s Office provides administrative support for the Mayor and City Council, the Council meetings, Council lunches, and the standing Council Committees. The City Clerk’s Office also provides administrative support for several boards, commissions, committees, and task forces.
Department Mission:
The mission of the City Clerk’s Office is to provide opportunities for citizens to interact with their elected officials and to keep an accurate record of local government proceedings. We are dedicated to providing accurate information to the elected officials, fellow departments, and the citizens of Springfield.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
Added $13,306 of on-going funding in supplies and services for CivicClerk and Zoom software needs.
Added $14,990 of on-going funding in supplies and services for liability insurance and consumer price index adjustment.