Building Development Services (General Fund)

FY2023-24 Adopted Budget

Department Purpose:

The Department of Building Development Services adopts and enforces a variety of building and development codes and standards as codified in the City Ordinances. The City oversees four major trades (electrical, plumbing, gas and mechanical), reviews a variety of construction plans, issues permits, conducts field inspections, and issues Certificates of Occupancy. In addition to supporting new growth and redevelopment, Building Development Services is also actively involved in the abatement process for dangerous and blighted buildings, trash ordinance violations, and seasonal overgrowth.

Department Mission:

To assure the health, safety, and welfare of the Springfield Community through a commitment to: cooperative quality code enforcement, quality and timely dissemination of information, courtesy and customer service, integrity and diplomacy, improvement of knowledge and services, and open-mindedness.

FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:

Added a Land Use Inspector.

Added $125,518 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance, consumer price index adjustment, and service center rate changes.

Added $29,863 of one-time funding in supplies and services for remodel of offices for increase in staffing in recent years.

Added $40,000 of one-time funding in capital outlay for a vehicle for the new inspector position.

Summary of Expenditures:

Personal Services Summary:

Performance Measures: