Public Health Services (Special Revenue Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Vision:
Helping ALL people live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Department Mission:
Protect and improve community health.
Department Values
Health Equity
We work to ensure all people have fair and just opportunities to attain their full health potential.
We promote an environment of empathy and inclusion for the diverse abilities, identities, and contributions of everyone in our community.
We are honest, transparent, and data-driven in our practices and decisions.
We strive for excellence through evidence-based approaches and continuous improvement.
We build strong, trusting relationships with diverse partners and communities to achieve common goals.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
Reduced FTE count 0.5 and funding for GIS position (position was moved to Public Works Transportation Fund).
Request to convert a Public Health Investigator to a Community Health Strategist position.