Public Works (General Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Purpose:
The Public Works Department has eight divisions consisting of: Administration, Street Maintenance, Traffic Operations, Traffic Transportation Management, Transportation Engineering, Storm Water Services, Construction Inspection and Internal Services. Each division is responsible for several different services.
Department Mission:
Public Works is committed to working with the community to advance and continuously improve Springfield citizens’ quality of life by being a leader in the development of solutions that both meets the needs of the community and places the welfare and safety of the public above all other considerations.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
Added $1,209,700 of one-time funding in operating supplies and services for critical preventative maintenance needs and municipal facilities including various fire stations, the Busch Building 2nd floor window canopy replacement, municipal facilities ADA transition plan, and two generators for computer servers.
Added $250,000 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for repair and preventative maintenance of City facilities.
Added $449,914 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance, service center rate changes, and consumer price index adjustment.