Solid Waste (Enterprise Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Purpose:
The Solid Waste Division of the Environmental Services Department includes operating a Sanitary Landfill, Recycling Centers, a Household Chemical Collection Center, Yardwaste Recycling Centers, Education and Outreach, and Environmental Quality.
Department Mission:
To provide an integrated solid waste management system for Springfield and Greene County that is environmentally sound and economically feasible, which represents a long-term solution to preserve the natural resources of the region for present and future generations.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
The City continues to adjust to changing market conditions in the solid waste industry to ensure that the Integrated Solid Waste Management System is providing disposal and recycling options for our citizens.
Eight positions were brought to City Council during FY2023 to address urgent operating needs. No additional FTEs are requested as part of the budget process.