9-1-1 Emergency Communications (Special Revenue Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Purpose:
The Springfield-Greene County 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Department serves as the access point for the 9-1-1 callers needing public safety services. Departmental personnel have the direct responsibility for quick relay and dispatch for fire, police, and emergency medical services. We receive calls from our citizens of Greene County that are processed through the 9-1-1 Operations Room at the communications facility.
Department Mission:
The people of our community and our public safety user agencies are the reason we are here. The 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Department is committed to efficiently and compassionately answering the public’s call for emergency service response and providing the assistance they need through our public safety user agencies. Our commitment is demonstrated by staff that is exceptionally trained and focused on customer service. We are proud to serve and dispatch for nine (9) law enforcement agencies and thirteen (13) fire agencies throughout our County. In addition, medical calls are transferred to one of the local hospital based Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers for pre-arrival instructions and ambulance dispatch. Our staff provides professional service to our public safety agencies and the community at large.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
Focus on attracting quality talent and increase employee retention efforts.