Fire (General Fund)
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Department Purpose:
The Springfield Fire Department provides emergency services in an 83.06-square-mile area from 13 fire stations with a full-time staff of more than 230 dedicated professionals.
Department Mission:
We are committed to working with the people of the community to provide and maintain a safe environment for the community, its visitors, and our employees through quality fire protection, emergency medical services, and hazard mitigation.
FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:
Added $1,224,695 of one-time funding in operating supplies and services, and capital for equipment sustainment of firefighter life safety, emergency services, and support services needs. This includes Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) harnesses and masks, training bureau equipment, bomb squad equipment, and emergency services sustainment needs for radios, computers and tools.
Added $147,901 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance, service center rate changes, and consumer price index adjustment.
Added $29,044 of on-going funding in supplies and services for upgrading City's Vector solutions software platform for scheduling.
Per City Council's recommendation 05.16.23 - Reallocated $56,000 of city-wide contingency to the Fire Department for State of Missouri, Firefighter Critical Illness Pool trust for CY 2023 and CY2024.