Airport (Enterprise Fund)

FY2023-24 Adopted Budget

Department Purpose:

The Springfield-Branson National Airport is owned by the City of Springfield and managed through an eleven-member administrative board. The Board operates the airport as a self-supporting “enterprise function”, operating without tax revenue or general City funds.

Department Mission:

To be the premier Midwest airport through safe and efficient operations.

FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:

The proposed operating budget of $19.7M is up 4% from the current 2022-2023 operating budget. This is due to projected increases in operating costs and revenues.

The proposed budget fully covers all airport related debt issuances for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

The proposed budget includes increases in the capital assets budget due to multiple airfield projects and parking lot improvement projects that are anticipated to begin in 2023-2024.

Summary of Expenditures:

Personal Services Summary:

Performance Measures: