Budget Guidelines
Maintain an appropriate level of general government services funded from current resources.
Maintain general fund balance at a level of 20% of our operating funds budget.
Provide competitive pay and benefits to our employees for our market and region.
- Compare employee pay with those of the 15 “benchmark” cities and local salary information. The goal is to be competitive with the benchmarked cities and the local market. Comparisons are dependent upon the benchmark cities willingness to provide salary data.
- Use of one-time revenue should be limited to non-recurring expenses, such as land acquisitions or major capital purchases, with the recognition that even major capital assets eventually need to be replaced. One-time, non-recurring funds will not be used for ongoing expenses, such as full time personnel.
Continue to look for new sources of revenue to improve the balance in the revenue structure via less reliance on sales tax due to it’s volatility.
Maximize cost recovery through fees for municipal services, consistent with City Council direction.
- Finance Department shall review charges for municipal services annually.
- Efficiencies achieved in delivery of services shall be accompanied by a reduction in the fee.
Seek the best level of service at the least cost through City forces, private sector contracts and not-for-profit contracts.
- Contracts for private sector services will include a formal bid process to ensure an equal opportunity for the private sector to submit competitive bids.
- Contracts with not-for-profit organizations will be evaluated based on how well the services meet a City priority or community need that is not otherwise being met and matches a service requirement.
- All contracts will include specific services to be provided and will require a financial and services accomplishment report.
In the budget, you may notice the terms: Appropriation, General Fund, Reserves, Resources and Transfers. Refer to the glossary of terms for more definitions.