Capital Projects
Significant Non-routine Capital Expenditures:
FY2023-24 Adopted Budget
Grant Avenue Connect Parkway
Construction Start Date: FY 2022
Estimated Project Amount: $29,600,000 *
Projected Estimated Expenses: $15,500,000
Additional Operational Costs: Approx. $10,000 in additional right of way and landscaping maintenance due to high visibility and placemaking enhancements beginning in FY2023. May increase to $20,000 upon completion, date not yet established.
Funding Sources: Federal BUILD Grant, 1/4-Cent CIP Sales Tax, 1/8-Cent Transportation Sales Tax, and City Utilities
* Estimated project amount includes anticipated City Utilities funding of contracted project utility costs.
This project will design, acquire right-of-way, and construct improvements to create an off-street multi-use path along Grant Avenue between Sunshine Street and College Street. Project will also incorporate smart trail technology and include traffic calming measures, intersection improvements, utility upgrades, and placemaking enhancements. Project will also include a route for pedestrians and bicycles in a downtown loop utilizing College Street, Boonville Avenue, Mill Street, and Main Avenue.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Control Program Sewer Rehabilitation Group 5
Construction Start Date: FY 2021
Estimated Project Amount: $14,900,000
Projected Estimated Expense: $10,000,000
Operational Costs: Maintaining the sewer system costs approx. $6,250 per mile.
Funding Sources: Special Obligation Bonds - (State of Missouri - 2021 Direct Loan Program)
Identify and rehabilitate public sanitary sewers that are a source of inflow and infiltration. Project will use flow meter data and CCTV inspection to prioritize open-cut repairs, lining, grouting, and manhole rehabilitation needs in selected sanitary sewer basins.
Remodel General Aviation Terminal
Start Date: FY2023
Project Amount: $6,700,000
Additional Operational Costs: Approx. $75,000 in staff and supplies upon completion.
Funding Sources: User Fees
Springfield took a bold step developing the beautiful Midfield Terminal that opened in 2009 and which welcomes visitors coming to our region via airlines. Equally important to welcoming business and other VIPs is the airport’s General Aviation Terminal. The current facility opened in 1990 and while still functional, it needs major upgrades to better serve users, expand revenue opportunities for the airport, and provide a more positive impression for visitors. Planned improvements include multipurpose space, meeting room, catering facilities, pilot amenities, and line service operating area. The building size will increase from 5,000 to over 8,000 sq.ft. and include landscaping and signage improvements. When complete, this facility will be one of the nicest General Aviation Terminals in the Midwest and serve our region for the next 30 years.
Republic Road and Campbell Intersection Improvements & Republic Road Fairview Ave to Chase Improvements
Construction Start Date: FY 2023
Estimated Project Amount: $6,430,000
Additional Operational Cost: Approx. $5,000 in maintaining additional lanes through the intersection.
Funding Sources: 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax, ¼-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), Federal STBG Grant - City
Design, acquire right-of-way, and construct improvements on Republic Road between Fairview Avenue and the driveway to Chase. Project will include widening Republic Road to five lanes with bicycle lanes and sidewalks. The intersection of Republic Road and Campbell Avenue will also be improved with additional lanes and pedestrian facilities through the intersection.