Planning and Development (General Fund)

FY2023-24 Adopted Budget

Department Purpose:

The Planning and Development Department primarily provides services related to the physical development of the community. The department works with citizens and other departments to plan for the orderly growth of Springfield in a variety of ways.

Department Mission:

Improve the quality of life for current and future generations through implementation of creative planning and development strategies and effective citizen involvement.

FY 2023-24 Budget Highlights:

Added a principal city planner position and a .5 GIS Specialist position, split with the Economic Vitality Department.

Added $15,351 of on-going funding in supplies and services for professional training for Planning and Zoning commissioners.

Added $20,636 of on-going funding in operating supplies and services for liability insurance and consumer price index adjustment.

Added $18,750 of one-time funding in operating supplies and services for office equipment and supplies for new positions and $16,000 of one-time funding in capital for rehabilitation of the historic "manor" building to utilize for viable storage.

Summary of Expenditures:

Personal Services Summary:

Performance Measures: