Health & Human Services

City of Somerville FY22 Budget

Mission Statement

To protect and improve the community’s health and well-being through prevention, community engagement, inclusion, accessibility, and promotion of healthy behaviors and environment.

Personal Services Changes

Personal Services are projected down 50% for FY22.

The primary driver of this change is a transfer of the school nurse program to the School Department.

Additionally, the Manager of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion position has been transferred to the newly-created Racial & Social Justice Department and retitled to ADA Coordinator.

Changes in salaries are due to negotiated collective bargaining agreements and merit increases based on annual performance reviews.

Ordinary Maintenance Changes

Ordinary Maintenance costs are projected down 13% for FY22.

This is due to reductions in Professional & Technical Services as well as Medical/Dental Supplies -- both related to the transfer of the school nurse program.

FY22 Goals & Measures of Progress

Goal 1: Continue to work toward health equity for all Somerville constituents by leading and supporting efforts to improve healthy food access, safe and active mobility, access to mental health services, prevention education, environmental health resources, and quality public health.

  • Increase community engagement and participation in HHS services and programs by 10% and identify a suite of tools that staff will use during planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs to ensure that work includes an equity frame.

Goal 2: Expand the role of the HHS staff to increase community outreach and engagement

  • Implement partnerships with public health nurses and youth service providers to develop services and programming.

Goal 3: Provide prevention, education and service opportunities to Somerville youth and the community.

  • Expand opportunities and educational materials for mental health services, trainings and support for youth, parents and the community.

FY22 Budget

Personnel Listing