DPW: Buildings

City of Somerville FY22 Budget

Core Function

To ensure all City buildings and schools are safe, clean, and welcoming to all that enter. To maintain optimal performance of City buildings & schools by performing preventative maintenance and repair services to elevators, mechanical, HVAC and control systems, electrical, plumbing, alarm, and security systems. Perform interior/exterior repairs and renovations including physical support. Provide custodial and maintenance services, clearing of snow from all City owned facilities and walkways, salting walkway surfaces.

New Division

The Buildings & Grounds Division is proposed to be split into two separate divisions for FY22. This change will allow DPW to better oversee the complexities of each function and better serve our community.

Personal Services Changes

Personal Services costs are projected down 24% for FY22, driven primarily by the transfer of grounds staff to the new Grounds Division.

This reduction is offset by the proposed addition of three new positions for FY22:

  • A Preventive Maintenance Manager to focus on the newly bid HVAC contracts as well as proactive maintenance scheduling within City and School buildings.
  • A Daytime Supervisor of Custodians to enhance and support the increasing needs of school buildings.
  • A standalone Buildings Superintendent to lead the division.

Changes in salaries are due to negotiated collective bargaining agreements and merit increases based on annual performance reviews.

Ordinary Maintenance Changes

Ordinary Maintenance costs are proposed at a 14% increase for FY22.

This is due to three primary changes:

  • A significant reduction to the Electricity line.
  • A $1.2M increase in the HVAC line to fund newly-bid contracts for maintenance of this critical system.
  • A $775,000 increase to the R&M Roofing line to pay for repairs to the DPW building roof as well as smaller anticipated needs in other City buildings.

Beyond those changes, the division is proposing some cost-neutral shifts in various lines to better allocate our budget for next year.

FY22 Goals & Measures of Progress

Goal 1: Improved documentation for cleaning City buildings.

  • Develop and implement standard operating procedures for cleaning City buildings

Goal 2: Increase preventative maintenance initiatives for City and School buildings.

  • Develop a preventative maintenance plan and schedule for City and School buildings.

Goal 3: Complete renovations and upgrades at the Edgerly school to provide additional City and School Department capacity.

  • Number of upgrades completed at the Edgerly school.

FY22 Budget

Personnel Listing