Community Development



mission statement

To ensure land use Policy, Zoning Administration, Development Review, and Construction Plans are consistent with City Council adopted rules and regulations creating a safe, healthy, attractive, and vibrant place to live, work, and play.


The Community Development Department includes the Planning and Building Divisions. These units work together to provide public and private property owners with land use, zoning, and development review expertise, including construction guidance on design concept through building occupancy. The Planning Department works directly with the Planning Commission and City Council to develop and implement land use, housing, open space, and health and safety priorities and objectives, including economic development efforts. The Building Services Division issues building permits on new construction and remodeling and ensures the overall safety of construction in San Pablo. The Department also runs the Residential Health & Safety inspection program and Business License registrations.

Major Services

Planning Division

The Planning Division updates and implements the City of San Pablo’s General Plan and relevant portions of the Municipal Code; reviews development proposals for zoning, general plan, subdivision, and environmental compliance, and obtains public input on those proposals; supports the Planning Commission; and administers a variety of grants.

Building Division

The Building Division conducts plan reviews, performs inspections for public and private projects for building code compliance, issues building permits, oversees the issuance and renewal of business licenses, provides lead management of the Residential Health and Safety Program, and ensures rental units meet a minimum occupancy standard.

Combined Services

The Planning and Building Divisions work cooperatively with Code Enforcement to ensure business and residential compliance with City zoning, building, and health and safety codes, assessing the construction of tenant improvements for compliance with safety requirements, as well as coordinating with other state and regional licensing agencies. The Community Development Department works closely with the Public Works Department, and the City Manager’s Office on major development projects, economic development initiatives, and housing projects and programs to provide coordinated services for the community.


Planning Division

Hired new Assistant Planner and continued recruitment for second Planner position

Continued work with consulting team on updates to the General Plan/Housing Element

Received REAP and PDA grants from ABAG/MTC to help fund the Housing Element Update along with a Master Plan for Rumrill Boulevard as part of the General Plan Update

Conducted community outreach survey for the General Plan Update

Prepared Housing Element annual report for State HCD certification

Provided information on SB 9 duplex legislation to Planning Commission and the public

Issued over 40 administrative planning approvals (July – Jan only)

Presented 9 planning cases to the Planning Commission, including the following projects:

  • 20-lot single family residential subdivision with 8 accessory dwelling units
  • 54-unit permanent supportive housing facility
  • 91-unit with 3 commercial tenant mixed use development
  • Reconstruction and expansion of a 91,560 square foot personal storage facility
  • 64-unit multi-family project (forthcoming)
  • Major Design Review for a 100-unit affordable housing project with 7,000 square feet of retail space (forthcoming)

Building Division

Administered COVID Housing Grant program

Opened combined Permit Center in new City Hall in October 2021

Restarted Residential Health & Safety program on January 1, 2022

Updated City Code to revise RH&S program and establish Building Board of Appeals

Took over Floodplain Manager duties from PW staff

Assumed coordination and tracking for the CD/Code Enforcement Team meeting

Continued investigation process for code violations requiring building corrections

Completed 2,500+ Building, RH&S and business license inspections; 300+ plan checks for new construction and remodels; and renewed or issued 1,200+ business licenses

Combined Services

Promoted Planning Manager to Community Development Director position

Initiated internal Development Review Team for review of new development

Participated on Police Training Facility contract review team

Participated in City Hall evacuation training program

Goals, Objectives and performance measures

Short-Term Objectives (FY 2022-23)

Increase housing production consistent with Regional Housing Needs Allocation. Aim for approval of at least 33% of 375 units remaining in current cycle, or 125 units.

Update City of San Pablo General Plan and Housing Element per State requirements and successfully submit for certification by HCD by January 1, 2023.

Conduct 3,000+ inspections of new construction, business licenses, RH&S, enforcement

Upgrade or purchase software to manage on-line building permits, allow public tracking of building permits, and execute in-field inspection reports by June 30, 2023.

Long-Term Goals

Upgrade user interface services and mapping capabilities

Inspect at least 1,000 units per year under the RH&S program

Complete transition to full electronic submittal, filing, and tracking procedures

Process backlog of filing and records updates

Expand public educational efforts on building safety and code compliance

Expand systematic inspections of housing units.

Assume additional code enforcement duties from Police Department as part of future realignment.

Workforce Plan Summary
