Town of Provincetown

FY 2022 Budget

Division 4 Public Works

431 DPW Solid Waste & Recycling Operations

Personnel Expenditures

Operating Expenditues

Budget History

Program Description

This budget provides for the pick-up and disposal of residential solid waste and recycling. The 431 budget covers costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the transfer station and special collection events such as hazardous waste collection days. All disposal tipping fees and transportation costs for municipal solid waste (MSW) and single stream recycling are covered under this budget.

Increased recycling efforts throughout Town have kept MSW tonnage to consistent levels over the past few years and offset the overall costs of our contractual transportation and disposal operations.

Budget Statement

The personnel budget increased by 1.0% which is for step raises. Cost of living will be determined at a later day. The operational expenses have increased slightly by 4.4% which reflects a one-time expense to sandblast and provide corrosive protective paint to the trash & recycling hoppers. Overall the budget is increasing by 2.9%.

Major Accomplishments for 2021

The Town received a $9,800 grant from DEP for our recycling initiatives. This will help offset equipment costs that would have been paid by taxpayers. Our staff continues to work with the crews of Eversource ensuring a timely and much need completion of the battery project. This project has taken over nearly 40% of our occupied space and our crews have still managed to serve the needs of Provincetown.

FY 2022 Objectives

Maintain operational efficiencies and explore options to offset current market trends for recycling and solid waste options.

Continue to assist with the construction of a battery storage facility, perform necessary maintenance on the cardboard building and both hoppers.

Staffing Detail

Performance / Workload Indicators

FY 2022 Additional Budget Requested

Additional Amount Requested: $33,000

Budget Line: Repair/Maintenance Equipment (524400)

One Time Only or Ongoing Expense? One-time Expense

Description of Additional Program, Product or Service:

This expense will cover the sandblasting and painting with a protective enamel over the steel hopper structure.

Cost/Benefit Analysis:

If further metal corrosion occurs the Town will need to replace both the recycling and trash hoppers at an expense of $200K+