City Stats
The 2024 Tax Roll data, a reliable source from the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office (BCPA), reveals that the City of Pompano Beach has 51,857 properties.
These properties are categorized as follows:
- 45,696 residential
- 1,480 commercial
- 1,928 industrial
- 7 agricultural
- 210 institutional
- 392 governmental
- 2,144 miscellaneous
Within the city limits are specifically 18,519 single-family homes and 23,418 condominiums. The average taxable value for single-family homes is $302,576, while condominiums have an average taxable value of $237,211.
Homestead Exemption
Exemptions significantly impact the total property taxes paid annually to the City of Pompano Beach and other taxing authorities, as listed on the tax bill. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the requirements, deadlines, and filing procedures for these exemptions. Residential properties may qualify for a $25,000 or $50,000 homestead exemption. Additionally, exemptions are available for low-income seniors ($50,000) and long-term residency seniors, which can waive the annual property taxes owed.
Here's a summary of the property exemptions that Pompano Beach property owners may be eligible for:
Homestead Exemption - $25,000-$50,000
As a legal Florida resident, and if you have made the property your permanent home, such as a single-family home, condominium, co-op apartments, or certain mobile lots (if you qualify), you are eligible for up to $50,000 Homestead Exemption. Florida permanent residency is determined by law each January 1st.
The assessed value of your homestead property can increase by up to 3% above last year's assessed value. Beginning in 1995, or the year after the property first receives homestead exemption, according to Section 193.155(1), Florida Statutes, an annual increase in assessment shall not exceed the lower of the following:
3% of the assessed value of the property for the prior year; or
The percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers and the US city average for the preceding calendar year was initially reported by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) makes this statutory determination each January, and for 2024, the SOH maximum increase will be 3.0%
The general rule calls for the property owner who inherits the property to file for a new Homestead Exemption and lock in a new Save Our Homes value based upon the property's current just (market) value in the year in which title was granted to the heir. Although the property owner by law cannot "inherit" a Homestead Exemption (and Save Our Homes value) when they inherit ownership of the property, they might be allowed to "inherit" the existing Save Our Homes value outlined in Section 193.155 (3), Florida Statutes:
A surviving spouse may retain the existing Save Our Homes value - even if the survivor was not previously on title; so long as the surviving spouse subsequently files for Homestead.
The person inheriting the property or being granted a life estate or beneficial rights under a trust was a dependent of the decedent and was permanently residing on the property at the time of the decedent's death.
However, Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes are not transferrable from property to property and from owner to owner. Suppose you or your married spouse have a Homestead Exemption in any other county, state, or country on another property you own. In that case, you can qualify for a homestead exemption in Broward County after surrendering the exemption to another jurisdiction.
Documents you need when filing for Homestead:
Proof of Ownership
Proof of Permanent Florida Residence
You can file for Homestead Online on the Broward County Property Appraiser's Webpage.
Senior Exemptions
Senior Exemptions: Low-Income and Long-Term Residency
The City of Pompano Beach is one of the municipalities in Broward County that has adopted the Low-Income Senior Citizen Exemption ($50,000) and the Long-Term Residency Senior Citizen Exemption (up to the amount of the assessed value).
Low-Income Senior Exemption $50,000
Broward County Property Appraiser's Office (BCPA) updates the specifics of the eligibility for these two Senior Exemptions each year.
Eligibility for 2024 (updated annually):
Resident must be 65 years or older as of January 1, 2024;
Resident must receive the Homestead Exemption on the property and
The resident must have a combined household adjusted gross income for 2023 that does not exceed $36,614 (Note: The adjusted gross income limitation number is adjusted every January to reflect the percentage change in the average cost of living index).
Pompano Beach Residents - Eligible For Additional Exemptions?
Long-Term Residency Senior Exemption (Up to the Amount of the Assessed Value)
In addition to the age requirement and the income threshold listed above, the resident must have maintained permanent residence on the property for at least 25 years, and the property must have a value of less than $250,000 for the initial year of application. If all the requirements are met, the City of Pompano Beach will authorize long-term residency senior exemption up to the amount of the assessed value if the property is located within the city limits.
As a Pompano Beach property owner, you might be eligible for one or more of the following additional exemptions:
Exemption on Tangible Personal Property (TPP) and Residential Personal Property (RPP) - $25,000
Section 192.001, Florida Statutes defines "tangible personal property" (TPP) as all goods, chattels, and other articles of value capable of manual possession and whose chief value is intrinsic to the article. Inventory held for resale and household goods for the owner's personal use are exempt from taxation. Parking lot bumpers, exterior lighting, alarm systems, and leasehold improvements are taxed as personal property. A comprehensive list of such items can be found in the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) Tangible Personal Property Appraisal Guidelines.
The business owner must file a tangible personal property tax return to benefit from this exemption. The tax return will serve as the application for the exemption.
As of January 1st of each year, any resident or entity that owns or possesses tangible personal property in Pompano Beach must file a DR-405 tangible property return with the Broward County Property Appraiser. For additional information on TPP taxes, please visit BCPA's TPP Webpage.
What Else Should You Know?
Disability Exemptions - $5,000
Disability Exemption - $5,000
One letter or certificate from a Florida-licensed physician, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, its predecessor, or the Social Security Administration certifies that you are permanently disabled.
Disability Exemption for Blind Persons - $5,000
A certificate from the Division of Blind Services of the Department of Education or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs certifying the applicant's blindness is required.
Exemption for Widowed Persons - $5,000
Spouse's death certificate, newspaper clipping, or memorial card.
Veteran’s Disability Exemption - $5,000
Full Exemption for Veteran's Service-Connected Total and Permanent Disability
Deployed Military Exemption
Additional Exemption for Combat-Wounded Florida Disabled Veterans
Full Exemption for Totally and Permanently Disabled Persons
Full Exemption for Totally and Permanently Disabled First Responders
Surviving Spouse of Military Veteran or First Responder
Other Exemptions
"Granny Flat" Exemption
Suppose you build additions to an existing homestead or perform extensive renovations to provide living quarters for a parent or grandparent. In that case, you may be entitled to a special exemption equal to the amount of the new construction (up to 20% of the homestead value).
Historic Property Exemption
If your property is on the National or Florida Registers of Historic Properties, you may be entitled to special exemptions related to its assessed value under certain circumstances.
Institutional and Non-Profit Exemptions
According to Florida Exemptions Statutes, specific qualified organizations may receive a partial or total exemption on their properties:
Miscellaneous exemptions
Every Pompano resident who qualifies for a tax saving exemption(s) receives the exemption(s) to which they are legally entitled. Please be mindful of the deadlines and submit your application(s) promptly:
March 1, 2024, is the correct filing deadline for all 2024 exemptions.
For all 2024 exemptions, the late filing date is September 18, 2024. No additional 2024 exemption requests will be considered after the September statutory "late-filing" deadline has passed, regardless of the justification for missing the date.
The deadline to file for any 2024 exemption is September 18, 2024.
Assuming no changes are made to the property's ownership or usage, your homestead exemption will automatically renew each year after it has been granted.
The law requires you to notify the Property Appraiser's Office to remove the exemption you are no longer eligible for by March 1.
Substantial penalties may be imposed on those who don't notify the Property Appraiser to remove exemptions for which they no longer qualify.
You can now electronically file your Florida's Senior Exemptions here.
Owner Alert!

FREE service designed to help you protect your property from scams or fraud by notifying you if a document is received by the Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office changing the ownership of your property. Once registered for Owner Alert, BCPA will notify you if a property ownership change has occurred. Ownership records are changed based on deeds recorded with the Broward County Records Division and then provided to the BCPA office. If there has been a change of ownership, you will receive an email notification from our office with the link to the recorded document to review.
The Value Adjustment Board Appeal

The Broward County Value Adjustment Board (V.A.B.) handles appeals for property valuation challenges and exemption denials. It consists of five members, including two from the County Commission, one from the School Board, and two taxpayers, and it operates independently from the Property Appraiser's Office.
Suppose you disagree with your property's assessed market value. In that case, you should discuss it with the Property Appraiser's Office and then file a petition with the V.A.B. before the mid-September deadline, along with a $15 fee. The petition deadline for 2024 valuation appeals is September 18, 2024. If you miss this deadline, inquire about late filing for "good cause."
The Petition is filed with the Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board, Broward Government Center, 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 120, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301.