County Executive's Message

Angela Alsobrooks

County Executive



Dear Chairman Hawkins and Members of the County Council:

It is my pleasure to submit to you the County’s budget for FY 2022. Together over the last year we have faced unprecedented trials. The COVID-19 pandemic has put tremendous pressure on Prince George’s County: fifty thousand jobs temporarily disappeared, thousands of residents in danger of losing their homes, increased food insecurity in many areas of the county and, of course, thousands facing significant health issues. In the midst of this turmoil, the County Government’s revenues fell by over $100 million from pre-pandemic projections. Because of this, the next year is going to be a challenge for us all and will require very thoughtful allocation of still-limited resources. That said, I am very proud of how we have responded and am confident that we are now in the process of community and financial recovery. Moreover, I believe this budget reflects the spirit in which we have reinvented our government to face these challenges. It makes strong investments in core areas that will help our county continue to be a leader in the state and region, while also helping to Grow Prince George’s Pride for all of our citizens.

Summary of Key Points


Education remains one of the very top priorities of my administration and our budget includes $2.34 billion for the Prince George’s County School System. In response to the pandemic, we have had to reimagine our education system by finding ways to connect virtually and close the digital divide.

Public Safety:

Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel – The budget funds stipends for those who participate in the Police Department’s disciplinary investigations.

Police Department – Three new positions are created in accordance with Police Reform Work Group recommendations, including a Director of Race & Equity and psychologists.

Fire-EMS Department – Funding will continue to support the purchase of turnout gear for volunteer firefighters as well as smoke detectors for County residents that may be unable to obtain them.

Angela Alsobrooks


Angela Alsobrooks

County Executive