Recreation Fund
The Recreation Fund is a Special Revenue Fund established to account for the operation of the City's recreational and cultural programmed activities. All activity accounted for in the General Fund relate to the provision of basic recreational services (the cost of providing the municipal service) while fees and costs related to special programs such as special events and athletic programs are accounted for in the Special Revenue Fund.
Revenues and Other Sources
Revenues and other sources for the Recreation Fund total $8,174,054. This amount includes an available estimated beginning balance of $715,245. This is an increase of $529,012, or 6.9% from the fiscal year 2023 adopted budget of $7,645,042.
Excluding the beginning fund balance, Charges for services are the main source of funding for the Recreation Fund and are proposed to total $4,952,809. This is a decrease of $610,148, or 11% from the fiscal year 2023 adopted budget of $5,562,957. The decrease in revenue budget from the prior year is partially due to the temporary closure during the construction phase of the new Burns Road Community Center.
It is important to note that amended, adopted, and proposed budget numbers include Beginning Fund Balance amounts, while actual and estimated actual do not. In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, actual amounts reflect only revenues recognized each year. Beginning Fund Balance represents resources received and recognized in prior years as revenue but are available for appropriation in future years.
Expenditures and Other Uses
Expenditures and other uses for the Recreation Fund total $8,174,054. This amount includes an estimated ending reserves balance of $65,291. Fiscal year 2024 expenditures and other uses are balanced with the total revenues and other sources.
Personnel costs are the largest use of expenditures for the Recreation Fund and total $6,670,664, or 81.6% of the total expenditures and uses.
Excluding the estimated ending reserves balance and capital outlay, recurring expenditures are proposed to total $8,167,036. This is an increase of $551,537, or 7.2% from the adopted fiscal year 2023 adopted budget of $7,615,499.
It is important to note that amended, adopted, and proposed budget numbers include Reserves, while actual and estimated actual do not. In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, actual amounts reflect only expenditures recognized each year. Reserves represent funds that are held for restricted purposes or may be reallocated for specific purposes throughout the fiscal year.