Using the Reports to get the Data You Want

The reports in this transparency tool will allow you to access and view data in many ways. In the report window, to the left of each chart, is a menu column. The top part of this column allows you to select any report in the portal. The bottom part allows you to select pre-set views, or to filter the data as you wish. There are presentation options at the bottom of this column. At the top of the graph you can navigate through your changes or return to the default view. To the right of the graph, you have the option to choose the type of graph you want to see. Click on any data point to drill down for more detail. Below each graph you will find the numbers in tabular form (you may need to scroll down to see the numbers). This section also allows you to click on the description to drill down for more detail. Finally, you can select the "Share" button if you want to email or download the graph and data.

How to use chart features