The City's General Fund can be thought of as the main operating fund of the City. Most of the basic City services, such as public safety, parks, community development, cultural and community services, road maintenance and administration are provided through the General Fund.

Current Year-to-Date General Fund Spending vs. Annual Budget

Track the City’s General Fund spending against the latest approved fiscal year 2023-24 budget.


This report details how much of the total General Fund budget has been spent as of the last reported month.

General Fund Expenses and Revenues Over Time Comparison to Budget (FY2021-22 and Prior)

General Fund Income & Expense by Year

View the annual and current fiscal year-to-date General Fund revenues and expenses compared to budget. The General Fund relies primarily on property tax and sales tax for its sources of revenue.


Current year-to-date results are preliminary and unaudited.

General Fund Expenses and Revenue Over Time Comparison to Budget (FY2022-23 and Beyond)

General Fund Revenue and Expenses by Year

NOTE: Property tax installments are paid bi-annually in December and April, which will cause expenses to appear to outpace revenue in some periods, and vice-versa, depending on the point in time the data is being viewed.