Council Priorities
Develop a transportation system that works for all residents
A transportation system that gets people where they need to go in a timely manner and accommodates various means of mobility is necessary to connect residents and businesses. Improving the condition of streets is the top priority of our residents and will continue to receive significant investment in the coming years. We are making strides to become more pedestrian and cyclist friendly through better planning, design and construction of complete streets, sidewalks, and trails. There is also a growing interest in improving public transportation within Oklahoma City and the central Oklahoma region. Regional solutions and funding for public transportation are a prerequisite to effectively serve the region and maximize the effectiveness of the system. Attention to new developments in transportation, such as autonomous vehicles, is needed to ensure Oklahoma City is ready to benefit from the coming changes.
% of residents satisfied with the condition of City streets
Additional funding provided by the Better Streets Safer City sales tax along with the GO Bond Program has provided for the resurfacing of the streets in the worst condition in Oklahoma City and residents are noticing the improvement as indicated by increased resident satisfaction.
# of miles of residential sidewalks constructed
Additional funding provided by the Better Streets Safer City sales tax for sidewalks has dramatically increased the number of sidewalks the City has been able to construct.
# of miles of arterial sidewalks constructed
Additional funding provided by the Better Streets Safer City sales tax for sidewalks has dramatically increased the number of sidewalks the City has been able to construct.
# of EMBARK riders per service hour
EMBARK, along with the transit industry as a whole, experienced significant declines in ridership due to the ongoing pandemic. We anticipate an incremental return to normal ridership levels in FY22 and FY23.
Average commute time in Oklahoma City
Integrating employment and residential uses and improving transportation system connectivity, as recommended in planokc, will limit growth in the average commute time. Source: US Census Bureau.
# of EMBARK bus service hours
EMBARK temporarily reduced service levels during the pandemic in FY20 but for the most part has maintained regular service hours but limited capacity. We do not anticipate further service interruptions.
Average EMBARK frequency during peak hours
EMBARK temporarily reduced peak service levels during the pandemic. Levels returned to normal for FY21.