Human Resources Management



Internal Services

Recruitment, Classification, and Onboarding

Provides recruitment services to all City departments, organize and conduct civil service examinations, and onboard and retain the most qualified candidates. Maintain a competitive classification and compensation system.

Labor Negotiations and Employee Relations

Negotiates and maintains relationships with bargaining units and provides employee relations support, like conflict resolution and grievances investigations.

Benefits Management

Responsible for all benefit management, including developing and managing wellness benefits and wellness career fair, processing new enrollees for medical, unemployment, and retirement benefits, and managing enrollments and payments to benefit suppliers.

Civil Service Board Commission

The responsibilities of the Civil Service Board include creating and evaluating job classifications, enforcing the Civil Service Rules; approving the exemption of positions from the competitive service; approving classification specifications and performing appellate duties.

Equal Access

Responsible for on-call and print translation services for all City departments.

Risk Management

Provide risk management services to all City employees, such as Integrated Disability Program, Workers' Compensation Administration, and employee health-and-safety programs, including CalOSHA compliance.


Service Title: Oversees Employee and Labor Relations

Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy

Service Description: Employee Relations represents the City and provides support to City staff on matters concerning employees represented by labor unions; negotiates on behalf of the City to set wages, hours, and other conditions of employment; assists City management staff in the interpretation of labor contracts; and investigates and resolves grievances.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: Number of disciplinary investigations and grievances resolved quarterly and Number of meetings to confer with departments on equity measures including performance metrics on race and equity

Objective Description: To Conduct Meet and Confers on racial equity initiatives that have an impact on working conditions.

Success Measure: Review for a year period disciplines by race

Evaluate practices and procedures to evaluate potential impact for BIPOC employees.

Successful implementation of equity initiatives including advising Departments on performance appraisal.

Service Title: Recruitment and classification services for entire organization

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Recruitment & Classification is responsible for administering the recruitment and talent assessment activities for the City to identify the most qualified candidates for employment. This division is also responsible for administering the City’s job classification and compensation system, ensuring that positions are properly allocated to the right job classification and that the pay structure is equitable internally and competitive with the larger labor market. It maintains a competitive and legally compliant classification and compensation system; recruits local, statewide, and national candidates who reflect the City’s equity goals; and provides staff support to the Civil Service Board.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: Number of job descriptions reviewed and analyzed annually for artificial barriers to employment opportunities, job fairs/community events attended to reach and support BIPOC communities, and translation and interpretation services requests fulfilled

Objective Description: Review the diversity of candidates that progress through various stages of recruitment process for a sample of job openings on a quarterly basis and identify 1-3 outreach efforts to improve

Success Measure: Number of HR recruitment processes analyzed, number of recommendations made to improve HR recruitment processes, number of recommendations implemented

Service Title: City-wide risk management and benefit services

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: The Risk Management Division administers all citywide risk management programs, which include, all Insurance programs, Health and Wellness, City Medical Services, and Safety. Risk also provides support to the Safety Disability Retirement Board and administers the City Integrated Disability Program, which consolidates all mandated disability-related programs including protected leave administration (CFRA, FMLA, and PDL), Federal Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) compliance and Workers’ Compensation claims administration. It administers Employee Health and Safety Programs, including CalOSHA compliance, safety/loss control services, employee medical surveillance testing, employee medical examinations and drug/alcohol testing; manages the Commercial Insurance and Self-Insurance portfolios and represents City on insurance pool boards and committees. It monitors vendor contracts for Compliance with Risk Management related requirements; extends other Risk Management and/or employment liability services to client departments as needed.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: New claims per month, Contracts reviewed per month, Inspections conducted per month, and Investigations conducted per quarter

Objective Description: To reduce exposure and mitigate risk for the municipal corporation and To efficiently administer benefits to City employees

Success Measure: Process private disability insurance claims within 10 business days of receipt

Process state disability insurance claims within 10 business days of receipt

Submit Insurance claims on behalf of the City within 10 business following the loss

Respond to insurance review within 10 business days of request

Initiate AI 544 investigations within 30 business days of notice

Respond to Cal/OSHA inquiries within the timeline specified by Cal/OSHA

Initiate FEHA process within 10 business days of notice

Open Workers’ Compensation Claims within 48 hours of notice

Respond to FMLA request within 5 business days

Provide Ergonomic Support within 30 days of notice

Service Title: Organizational Development and Training

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: This division is responsible for all aspects of city-wide training and organizational development, including monthly all-day New Employee Orientation. It administers all mandated training, which includes Anti-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Awareness and Diversity training. It manages leadership, supervisor, ethics, health and wellness, and race and equity trainings. Other training subjects include computer skills, presentation workshops and performance management. The goal of the Training Unit is to develop a workforce that adapts to new technology, business processes and policies, laws and regulations, ultimately contributing to employee.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: Average 15-17 Training Opportunities Monthly and train an average of 350 employees monthly.

Objective Description: "To provide equitable Professional Development opportunities and events for all employees of the city of Oakland. This requires us to continue to address disparities of employees who get less opportunity, usually attributed to access, time and approval. These opportunities connect to employee retention, performance, promotions, disciplinary procedure and mental health. "

Success Measure: We will measure this by tracking the number of people who attend training and connect it to department, classification. We will then use our feedback data to look at gender, race and classification to see if these Professional Development opportunities impact growth in a department / division.

Will use hiring and recruitment data of promotions and exits to see if training continues to have a direct impact on these factors.

We will also look at accessibility of training opportunities since we converted to a virtual training model. In 2020-2022 our attendance rates increased from 65% to 85%.

We are also seeing more representation from different departments (OPW / DOT / OPD / FIRE), more front line staff, more BIPOC employees.


Organizational Chart for Human Resources Department



Provides direction and support to all of the Human Resources Management units; advises the Mayor, Council, and City Administrator on Human Resources issues; develops and facilitates the implementation of action plans to address current and future City human resources needs. The Department Director is the Secretary to the Civil Service Board.

Recruitment, Classification, & Benefits

Recruitment & Classification is responsible for all aspects of recruiting and for retaining the most qualified candidates for employment. It maintains a competitive classification and compensation system; recruits local, statewide, and national candidates who reflect the City’s diversity objectives; and provides staff support to the Civil Service Board.

This division also houses the Equal Access Program which seeks to ensure resident access to City services in accordance with the Equal Access to Services Ordinance (Ordinance No.12324 C.M.S.). It represents the City and provides support to City staff on matters concerning employees represented services in accordance with the labor unions; negotiates on behalf of the City to set wages, hours, and other conditions of employment; assists City management staff in the interpretation of labor contracts; conducts workplace investigations; and addresses grievances.

The Benefits division manages all employee benefits programs, including medical, dental, vision, life, flexible spending accounts and tax-deferred savings accounts, and provides staff support to the Deferred Compensation Committee.

Employee Relations & Risk Management

Employee Relations represents the City and provides support to City staff on matters concerning employees represented by labor unions; negotiates on behalf of the City to set wages, hours, and other conditions of employment; assists City management staff in the interpretation of labor contracts; and investigates and resolves grievances.

Risk Management administers all risk management, including Integrated Disability Management and Risk & Safety. It provides staff support to the Safety Disability Retirement Board and administers the City Integrated Disability Program, which consolidates all mandated disability related programs including protected leave administration (CFRA, FMLA, and PDL), Federal Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) compliance and Workers’ Compensation claims administration. It administers Employee Health and Safety Programs, including CalOSHA compliance, safety/loss control services, employee medical surveillance testing, employee medical examinations and drug/alcohol testing; manages the Commercial Insurance and Self-Insurance portfolios and represents City on insurance pool boards and committees. It monitors vendor contracts for Compliance with Risk Management related requirements; extends other Risk Management and/or employment liability services to client departments as needed.


This division is responsible for all aspects of city-wide training and organizational development, including monthly all-day New Employee Orientation. It administers all mandated training, which includes Anti-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Awareness and Diversity training. It manages leadership, supervisor, ethics, health and wellness, and race and equity trainings. Other training subjects include computer skills, presentation workshops and performance management. The goal of the Training Unit is to develop a workforce that adapts to new technology, business processes and policies, laws and regulations, ultimately contributing to employee.