Mission Statement
The Public Ethics Commission (PEC) ensures compliance with government ethics, campaign finance, transparency, and lobbyist registration laws that aim to promote fairness, openness, honesty, and integrity in City government.
Learn more about who we are and what we do here.
Other Impacts & Changes
- Deletes Measure W’s Democracy Dollars Fund, $2 million in FY 2023-24 $2 million for FY 2024-25. No funds will be available to disburse to candidates for the 2024 election cycle. In addition, Measure W’s decreased campaign contribution limits will go into effect for the 2024 election, which will reduce candidates’ fundraising ability without a public funding option also being available. The City at this juncture due to the fiscal emergency cannot fully implement the Democracy Dollars program, and as such has delayed full implementation until the following Biennial Budget cycle.
- Equity Consideration: The Democracy Dollars Program is designed to address disparities across income and race produced by the traditional campaign finance system. Postponing program implementation will result in an opportunity loss particularly for candidates lacking connections to personal wealth or wealthy donor networks due to historical and ongoing effects of racism.
- Deletes Measure W’s O&M and start-up funds by $925,000 in FY 2023-24. Deletes all Measure W’s personnel budget for FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25. While a portion of the Measure W’s O&M budget has been preserved to support the acquisition of software to continue developing the Democracy Dollars program for the subsequent election cycle, there will be no funds for staffing to implement the program for the 2024 election cycle. As a result, Democracy Dollar vouchers will not be distributed to Oakland residents in 2024 and postponed to the following election cycle. Major outreach and engagement activities to raise awareness and participation in the program will be postponed until the 2026 election cycle.
- Equity Consideration: The Democracy Dollars Program is designed to address disparities across income and race produced by the traditional campaign finance system. Postponing program implementation will result in an opportunity loss particularly for candidates lacking connections to personal wealth or wealthy donor networks due to historical and ongoing effects of racism, as well as residents from low-income communities of color the program is designed to draw into greater civic engagement.
Note: Adjust the column widths at header row to view complete table.