Service Charges


Service charges are imposed on the user of a service provided by the City. The charge (or fee) may recover all or part of the cost of providing the service. Historically, the City Council has approved fee increases based upon growth in the CPI or staff costs. Each department prepares amendments to the Master Fee Schedule and presents these proposed amendments to the City Council in the spring; if approved, these changes are incorporated into the budget.

Background information concerning the components of service charges is provided below:

  • Port Revenue consists of payments for general services, Fire, and other services the City provides to the Port. The City invoices semiannually, based on actual costs of services. Port revenue is expected to remain constant over the two-year budget.

  • Franchise Fees apply to four utilities for the use of City rights of way: PG&E for gas and electric; Waste Management of Alameda County for garbage collection; East Bay Municipal Utility District for water; and Comcast for cable television. Franchise fee revenue is expected to remain constant over the two-year budget.

  • Parking Revenues from on street parking meter and off-street parking, including City-owned garages, virtually disappeared overnight when the first shelter-in-place order was issued on March 16, 2020. Open parking lots and garages, including city-owned garages, were immediately impacted because of business restrictions and companies putting in place work-from-home policies. Although parking meters are fully operational and many garages remain in operation, demand for parking is far lower than pre-COVID levels and is expected to grow slowly over the next two years as offices slowly repopulate post pandemic. Consequently, revenues derived from parking meters are projected to recover slowly over the two-year budget when compared to the pre-Covid activity.

  • Other Service Charges is revenue from other fees charged including parks and recreation fees, public works fees, and charges for Sworn personnel service to provide public safety at events.

  • Rental Income is rental fees for the City’s facilities and lands, as well as concessions at various locations. These revenues are expected to be flat annually over the two-year budget.