City Administrator
External Services
Community Engagement
Better the lives of Oakland residents through multiple health, housing, and environmental fronts including: “Better Neighborhoods, Same Neighbors” Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant, a $28.2M state grant for affordable housing, new parks, aquaponics farm food, tree planting, and bike share projects; Healthy Development Guidelines, a collaborative community planning effort to promote health and equity; West Oakland Community Action Plan (WOCAP), a multi-agency effort to reduce pollution; East Oakland Neighborhood Initiative (EONI), an equity and community based planning for East Oakland; Oakland Thrives Leadership Council (OTLC), aimed at making children and families healthy, Resilient Hubs, to promote community unity and preparedness to recover from hazardous events and the effects of climate change, and Eco Block, to create more resilient neighborhoods to power outages.
Compliance, Training, and Investigations
Conduct state and federal mandated discrimination, harassment, and retaliation investigations based on legal protected basis, including Title VI, which protects against the discrimination of race, color, or national origin, gender, or disability. Submit mandated statements and reports, including Equal Employment Opportunity data analysis. Provide mandatory training to management and supervisory employees.
Oakland Museum of California
The CAO manages the 10-year grant agreement with Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) and facilitates joint projects between OMCA and City staff and processes all deaccession paperwork to the City's collection.
Oakland 311 Customer Service & City Information Program
Oak311 provides citywide intake and emergency dispatch for city maintenance, buildings, abandoned autos, and parking enforcement issues.
Commission Assistance and/or Liaison
The City Administrator’s Office (CAO) serves as staff and/or support to various Independent Commissions including the Redistricting Commission, Privacy Advisory Commission (Chief Privacy Officer), Police Commission (liaison), Safety and Services Oversight Commission, Community Policing Advisory Board, Cannabis Regulatory Commission, Homelessness Commission, and Sugar Sweetened Beverage Board.
Working Groups
Coordinate interdepartmental efforts for a wide array of activities including: Wildfire Prevention (to prevent wildfires in the City), Lake Merritt (manage issues and activities at the Lake), Caltrans (to ensure proper maintenance of property and rights-of-way), Neighborhood Services Manager (implement City’s Community Policing Program), Encampment Management, and Public Safety Task Force.
Digital Engagement
Develop and iterate on the vision, strategy, and implementation of the City’s digital assets, including the City's website, social media channels and civic technology platforms. Listen to public and internal needs to identify opportunities for improved digital engagement and service delivery.
Covid-19 Response
Participate in the Emergency Operations Center to respond to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Fully support the staffing and contracting needs for the Great Plates Program and Feed Oakland/World Central Kitchen, which provided almost 20,000 meals a week to vulnerable community members.
Internal Services
Performance Management System
Developing a citywide Performance Management System to track progress and measure organizational success.
Alameda County Leadership Academy
Facilitate City employees participating in regional leadership program.
Agenda Report Management and City Council Meeting Support
Manage the City Administrator's Agenda Processes, including preparing, reviewing, analyzing, and editing agenda reports and presentations for City Council. Track and coordinate scheduling request review and notification to the City Clerk's office in preparation of Rules and Legislation committee meeting. Prepare pending list of items scheduled to outstanding. Present staff recommendations and respond to questions at City Council meetings.
Manage the City's Administrative Instructions (AI)
Receive, analyze and edit AI, which describe the City’s policies, practices, standards, and procedures for various items; upload materials to the City's intranet; respond to inquiries from staff.
Strategic Communications
Develop communications strategies to address complex, high-profile, controversial, sensitive issues. Develop and initiate employee communications strategy. Draft, curate, edit and produce employee-specific communications. Support employee engagement and recognition events and initiatives.
Service Title: Direct Coordination of Citywide Homelessness and Encampment Response
Council Priority: Housing Security & Homelessness Solutions
Service Description: Citywide strategic response to homelessness, homelessness program performance management, and lead Citywide encampment response
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Average Number of service requests processed monthly (General and Construction Requests). Average number of EMT operations conducted per month (No Equity Analysis has been performed). Average number of Partial and full closure per month. Average number of deep cleanings per month. Number of Porta Potty and hand washing unit placements per year subject to closure of encampment. Weekly garbage runs (containerized/pile pick ups) The City is working with HUD TA on an Equity Analysis to be complete by the end of year).
Objective Description: Triage reported encampments within 24 hours. Prepare and update outreach reports within 24 hours. Prepare and update Site Assessment forms within 24 hours. Designate high-sensitivity areas in an average of 21 days, where unmanaged encampments are presumed to cause unreasonably high levels of health and safety impacts due to the nature of the location. Designate low-sensitivity areas, where enforcement will not be prioritized. Identify the number of EMT interventions, outreach, education to unhoused residents regarding encampment standards, and fortification and beautification program.
Success Measure: Percent of report encampments triaged within 24 hours. Percent of outreach reports prepared and updated within 24 hours. Percent of site assessment forms prepared and updated within 24 hours. Number of operations in high-sensitivity designated areas. Number of operations in low-sensitivity designated areas. Number of EMT interventions, outreach, and education to unhoused residents.
Service Title: Neighborhood Services Division
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: The Division helps neighbors at the block level through programs such as Neighborhood Watch and at the Neighborhood Level through Neighborhood Councils and other affinity groups. The team serves as a liaison between the community and City Departments.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of community groups supported; Number of community events/meetings attended by staff monthly
Objective Description: Perform outreach each week in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods toward increasing participation in NC activities. Assist in the organizing and execution of neighborhood clean-ups or Urban Greening events in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods each year to increase participation in Neighborhood Council (NC) activities. Conducting windshield surveys in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods and submitting Oak311 service requests based on those surveys. Track Oak311 Service Requests for high and very high priority equity neighborhoods and present the data at NC meetings each month to help NCs identify priorities for the city to focus on and target. Use Oak311 data and the NC priorities to make elevated service requests to departments. Participate in NEST Teams by providing meaningful input from the community about their identified priorities and coordinate interdepartmental projects based on those priorities. Facilitate community trainings on relevant topics each year in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods. Provide referrals to services, such as social services, housing, employment, etc. in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods.
Success Measure: There will be an increase in monthly participation in NC activities in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods. There will be an increase in the number of residents that participate in these events and the frequency of these events throughout the year. A higher number of Oak311 Service Requests will be submitted in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods each year. Neighbors in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods will better see how their participation in NCs can improve service delivery in their neighborhood. Oak311 Service Requests will be resolved more quickly in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods. The priorities identified by neighbors in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods will be elevated across departments citywide. People in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods will be better trained on how to engage in relevant city programs including emergency preparedness, community safety, urban greening opportunities, and other citywide initiatives. People in high and very high priority equity neighborhoods will see an increase in access to vital social services and have an increased level of trust in local government.
Service Title: Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax Division services and programming
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Promotes food access and equity and work with various City agencies to ensure revenues from the SSB tax are distributed to benefit populations that historically have been disproportionately impacted by SSB consumption
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Total Number of meals served through the Summer Food Service Program. Percentage of Summer Food Service Program sites located in census tracts with more than 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Number of unduplicated Oaklanders served through Community Grants Program. Number of Oaklanders receiving cards from SABA Grocers Food Card Initiative.
Objective Description: Support food distribution and recovery efforts across the city in order to address food insecurity across Oakland. Continue to promote reduced consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages.
Success Measure: Percentage of revenues from SSB Tax distributed to benefit populations most impacted by SSB consumption. Number of programs and initiatives implemented to improve health outcomes for targeted populations.
Service Title: Oak311 Communications Center
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: The Oak311 Communications Center office is a centralized, multi-lingual, one number system available 24/7 for Oakland residents to report infrastructure maintenance routine and emergency service issues, and for information on generalized City Services, public information and other public agency service needs
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of service requests processed annually
Objective Description: Processes 100% of service requests, inquiries, and information about city services, including securing interpretation support when needed and intake such requests within 24 hours upon receipt, into the Cityworks system for the responsible City Division and/or public agency to resolve. Increase outreach among non-English speaking residents and priority neighborhoods with lowest usage of Oak311 services
Success Measure: Percent of requests processed with appropriate language/translation services and intake requests upon receipt within 24 hours. Percentage increase in use of Oak311 services among non-English speaker residents and priority neighborhoods
Service Title: ADA Programs Compliance
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Implements policies regarding disability access compliance (excluding employment). Administers the citywide ADA Buildings and Facilities Transition Plan and ADA accommodations capital programs. Reviews City capital improvement and major development projects for access compliance. Responds to ADA grievances. Facilitates reasonable program modifications for customers with disabilities, administering the Auxiliary Aides and Services Program that provides communications services to employees and customers with disabilities. Facilitates, monitors, and implements ADA litigation settlements.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of capital improvement and major development projects reviewed for compliance access annually; Number of ADA grievances investigated and resolved monthly
Objective Description: Reviews City capital improvement and major development projects for access compliance; Respond and resolve ADA grievances within 30 days
Success Measure: Percent of major development projects reviewed for access compliance; Percent of ADA grievances responded and resolved within 30 days.
Service Title: Agenda Report Management and City Council Meeting Support
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Manage the City Administrator's Agenda processes, including preparing, reviewing, analyzing, and editing agenda reports and presentations for City Council. Track and coordinate scheduling request review and notification to the City Clerk's office in preparation of Rules and Legislation committee meeting. Prepare pending list of items scheduled to outstanding. Present staff recommendations and respond to questions at City Council meetings.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of agenda reports prepared/presented to Council and/or Council Committee monthly.
Objective Description: All agenda reports have been vetted by the City Administrator, City Attorney and Finance Department prior to the reports being posted/presented to the public. All agenda reports include a racial equity analysis or statement that indicates how the proposed action will advance racial equity; provides data and metrics that can be used to assess whether or not there have been improved outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities.
Success Measure: Percent of agenda reports generated and reviewed by CAO, City Attorney, and Finance Dept. before posting; Percent of agenda reports generated by CAO that include a racial equity analysis that properly assesses outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities
Service Title: Communications and Engagement
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: All Oaklanders (residents, businesses, and City employees) have access to the information that they need to participate in City programs and services and the opportunity to shape the policies and programs that impact their everyday lives.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of social media followers across platforms; Number of email subscribers and AC Alert subscribers; Number of annual unique visitors to; Website Readability
Objective Description: Ensure that all Oaklanders can find reliable & current information and services on, on the first try, regardless of device or language.
Success Measure: Percent of website responsive to mobile users; Percent of website translated into top languages that Oaklanders speak; Percent of website readability at an 8th grade reading level or below.
This program directs and coordinates all City Departments to ensure the goals and policy directives of the Mayor and City Council are implemented and services are efficiently and effectively delivered toward advancing equitable outcomes in the community. The Administration Division also includes Agenda Management, Communications, Public Safety and Violence Prevention Services (Measure Z) Evaluation, and Resilient Oakland.
Employment Investigations & Civil Rights Compliance
Employment Investigations & Civil Rights Compliance (EICRC) is responsible for ensuring compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace and assisting City Departments in providing equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees. In fulfilling these responsibilities, EICRC also provides or coordinates services such as policy development, technical assistance, training programs, monitoring, and compliance activities. The office prepares comprehensive investigative reports documenting investigations, including fact-finding, applying facts to policies, and drawing conclusions as to whether policies have been violated, and ensures alignment with federal and state laws, and City policies and procedures.
Homelessness Administration
The Fiscal Year 2019-21 Adopted Budget created and funded a high-level administrator and support staff to lead coordination of Citywide initiatives to respond to issues of the homelessness crisis. The program also supports the newly established Commission on Homelessness which provides oversight of the Oakland Vacant Property Tax received by the City of Oakland for homeless services, and makes recommendations to the City Council for strategies to remedy homelessness.
Neighborhood Services
The vision of the Neighborhood Services Division is that every block is organized, and every neighbor is skilled, networked, and empowered to work together and in partnership with the City and outside agencies to solve problems and build a healthy, resilient community. The Division helps neighbors at the block level through programs such as Neighborhood Watch and at the Neighborhood Level through Neighborhood Councils and other affinity groups. The team serves as a liaison between the community and City Departments.
OAK311 Call Center
The Oak311 Call Center office is a centralized, multi-lingual, one number system available 24/7 for Oakland residents to report infrastructure emergencies and/or issues for non-emergency City services, after hour urgent matters and for general City information. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm. Urgent calls received after 4:30pm are dispatched to a standby crew for service. Reporting options include direct call, mobile app, website and email.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Programs
The ADA Programs Division is responsible for implementing policies regarding disability access compliance (excluding employment), administering the citywide ADA Buildings and Facilities Transition Plan and ADA Accommodations capital programs, reviewing other City capital improvement and major development projects for access compliance, responding to ADA grievances and facilitating reasonable program modifications for customers with disabilities, administering the Auxiliary Aides and Services Program that provides communications services to employees and customers with disabilities, and facilitating, monitoring, and implementing ADA litigation settlements.
Sustainability & Resilience
The Sustainability & Resilience Division fosters collaboration with staff across all City Departments and with community leaders and experts on equitable climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Sustainable Oakland program is an evolution of the Sustainable Community Development Initiative, established by Oakland's City Council in 1997, and is charged with developing plans, ensuring implementation, and tracking progress related to Council’s Climate goals and targets, including its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, Climate Emergency and Just Transition Resolution (2018), and 2045 Carbon Neutrality target (2020).