


External Services

Construction, Planning, And Project Development

Develops, designs, and delivers capital improvement projects (pedestrian, transit, beautification, access, etc). Prepare construction plans and specifications. Inspect and approve construction of pavement, sidewalks, curb ramps. Provides transportation analysis and policy feedback for proposed private development projects; plans, performs public engagement and outreach on transportation policies, programs, services and projects; prepares preliminary concepts, designs, plans for public, staff, city council consideration before advancing to final plans.

Traffic Engineering and Safety

Advance roadway safety and efficiency by applying engineering measures, establishing roadway rules and regulations, and making transportation safe, accessible, and equitable. Includes alternative transportation options, like bicycles and bikeshare, pedestrians, carshare, scooters, etc.

Street and Sidewalk Maintenance

Provide high quality repair and construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and curb ramps; installs fencing and guardrails, repair concrete streets, construct pedestrian safety islands. Perform construction services including full-scale paving, pothole repair, crack sealing and gutter cleaning, and emergency response during and after storms and landslides. Maintain and install street signs, pavement markings and stripes.

Street Lights and Signals Engineering and Maintenance

Manage utility undergrounding projects, lighting calculations, and review private development projects. Provide 24/7 service, install and repair street lights, and respond to downed poles. Install, operate, and maintain over 800 traffic signals to have safe and efficient arterial streets.

Right-of-Way Management

Provide Utilities, Developers, and Citizens the tools they need to work within Oakland’s Right of Way while securing City assets, protecting the public, and preserving Oakland’s infrastructure– and do it with an unparalleled quality of service.


Provide quality, accurate, and dependable land surveying and map review services for the entire City.

Structure & Emergency Response

Provide professional engineering services for streets projects in response to disaster and emergencies, during and after events (e.g. storm damage, landslides, fire recovery, earthquakes, etc.), as well as bridge repair/seismic retrofits, and pedestrian paths and stairs repair projects to provide safe infrastructure for all users.

Crossing Guards

The program provides trained adult crossing guards at public elementary and middle schools to assist students and parents in crossing streets using criteria established through a multi-agency Safe Routes to Schools program comprised of representatives from OUSD, ACTC, OPD, OakDOT and non-profits.

Parking Enforcement

Enforce parking regulations to ensure parking turnover to support businesses, enforce pedestrian/traffic safety, provide equal access (e.g. disabled parking zones), street sweeping, elimination of blight (no overnight parking), issue citations, and generally promote quality of life on City streets. Operate, maintain, repair, and collect revenue from parking meters.

Parking Citation Assistance

Processes all parking violation citations, and posts various citation payments. Facilitates payment plans for those unable to immediately meeting their financial obligations.

Parking Meter Collections

Parking Meter Collections is responsible for collecting parking meter revenue from the on and off-street parking meters. They also perform counting, sorting, bagging of the coins for different coin denominations and Brink’s pick up.


Service Title: Construction, Planning, and Project Development

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Develops, designs, and delivers capital improvement projects (pedestrian, transit, beautification, access, bridges, etc). Prepare construction plans and specifications. Inspect and approve construction of pavement, sidewalks, curb ramps. Provides transportation analysis and policy feedback for proposed private development projects; plans, performs public engagement and outreach on transportation policies, programs, services and projects; prepares preliminary concepts, designs, plans for public, staff, city council consideration before advancing to final plans

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Capital dollars spent on Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects per Fiscal Year (FY)

Objective Description: Expend more than 50% of capital dollars in the six planning areas where residents are majority people of color (Central East Oakland, Coliseum/Airport, Downtown, East Oakland Hills, Eastlake/Fruitvale, West Oakland)

Success Measure: Percent of capital dollars expended in six planning areas

Service Title: Traffic Engineering and Safety

Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing

Service Description: Advance roadway safety and efficiency by applying engineering measures, establishing roadway rules and regulations, and making transportation safe, accessible, and equitable. Includes alternative transportation options, like bicycles and bikeshare, pedestrians, carshare, scooters, etc.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of City Works Child Work Orders issued

Objective Description: Complete more than 50% of approved traffic safety-related work orders each year in High and Highest Equity Priority Communities

Success Measure: Percent of traffic safety-related work orders completed in High and Highest Priority Equity Communities

Service Title: Crossing Guards

Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing

Service Description: The program provides trained adult crossing guards at public elementary and middle schools to assist students and parents in crossing streets using criteria established through a multi-agency Safe Routes to Schools program comprised of representatives from OUSD, ACTC, OPD, OakDOT and non-profits

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of active OakDOT crossing guard personnel

Objective Description: Assign OakDOT crossing guard personnel to all (100%) OUSD schools in the top 100 of the equity-based School Prioritization List that currently have or have requested crossing guards

Success Measure: Percent of OakDOT crossing guards personnel assigned to schools in top 100 equity-based School Prioritization List

Service Title: Emergency Response

Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing

Service Description: Provide professional engineering services for streets projects in response to disaster and emergencies, during and after events (e.g. storm damage, landslides, fire recovery, earthquakes, etc.)

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Emergency engineering assessments completed annually

Objective Description: Provide 24/7 rapid response of 12-24 hours to disaster and emergencies to protect life and property on City roads in consultation with other emergency responders

Success Measure: Percent of 24/7 rapid response within 12-24 hours during disaster and emergencies.

Service Title: Street and Sidewalk Maintenance

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Provide high quality repair and construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and curb ramps; installs fencing and guardrails, repair concrete streets, construct pedestrian safety islands. Perform construction services including full-scale paving, pothole repair, crack sealing and gutter cleaning, and emergency response during and after storms and landslides. Maintain and install street signs, pavement markings and stripes.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of potholes filled

Objective Description: Maintain state of repair throughout City, prioritizing filling more than 50% of reported potholes each year in highest and high priority neighborhoods.

Success Measure: Percent of potholes filled each year in highest and high priority neighborhoods.

Service Title: Complete Streets Paving

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Citywide Pavement Management

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Miles of streets paved

Objective Description: Complete 110 paving miles between Fiscal Years 2019 – 2022, the target paving mileage according to the equity framework of the 3-Year Paving Plan approved in 2019.

Success Measure: Percent of mileage completed within 3-Year Paving Plan period

Service Title: Complete Streets Sidewalks

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Citywide Sidewalk Management

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Annual sidewalk repairs facilitated (square feet)

Objective Description: Objectives for this service include:

Facilitate more than 50% of sidewalk repair projects in priority neighborhoods.

Respond to service requests for sidewalk repair (triage) within 1 week (inspection and NRT or inspection and queue)

Implement ADA Sidewalk Repair Program requests within 180 days with a focus on priority neighborhoods. Achieve 100% ADA compliance by 2030.

Success Measure: Percent of sidewalk repair projects facilitated in priority neighborhoods

Percent of service requests for sidewalk repair responded to within 1 week

Percent improvement sidewalk ADA compliance in priority neighborhoods

Service Title: Curb / Ramps

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Citywide curb ramp management

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of curb ramps constructed

Objective Description: Achieve annual 15% improvement in curb ramp compliance in priority neighborhoods. Construct or inspect all curb ramps to achieve 100% compliance by 2030.

Success Measure: Annual percent of improvement in curb ramp compliance in priority neighborhoods.

Percent of curb ramps constructed or inspected annually to meet compliance standards citywide

Service Title: Street Lights and Signals Engineering and Maintenance

Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing

Service Description: Manage utility undergrounding projects, lighting calculations, and review private development projects. Provide 24/7 service, install and repair street lights, and respond to downed poles. Install, operate, and maintain over 800 traffic signals to have safe and efficient arterial streets.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of signal/electric-related work orders completed

Objective Description: Install, operate, and maintain signals across the City in a timely manner regardless of neighborhood

Success Measure: Percent of signals installed, operated, and maintained citywide . Percent of signals installed, operated, and maintained in highest and high equity priority areas

Service Title: Survey

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Provide quality, accurate, and dependable land surveying and map review services for the entire City.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of map reviews performed annually

Objective Description: Conduct at least 60 accurate and dependable map reviews each year and respond to all map review requests in high and highest priority neighborhoods

Success Measure: Average time taken to respond to map review requests in high and highest priority neighborhoods

Service Title: Right-of-Way Management

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Provide Utilities, Developers, and Residents the tools they need to work within Oakland’s Right of Way while securing City assets, protecting the public, and preserving Oakland’s infrastructure– and do it with an unparalleled quality of service.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of Right of Way permits processed / Number of parklet applications processed

Objective Description: Process permit applications on-time (varies by permit type) / Provide equitable access to the City parklet resources (application and implementation process)

Success Measure: Avg. review time for Right of Way permits / Ratio of permit applications processed (majority in highest and high equity priority areas on-time) / Percentage of parklet applications from highest and high equity priority areas increase

Service Title: Parking Enforcement

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Enforcement of parking regulations as found in Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) and California Vehicle Code (CVC), issuing citations in support of public safety, public health and economic vitality of Oakland neighborhoods and commercial districts.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of service requests for parking enforcement dispatch

Number of streets sweeping enforcement citations (OMC 10.28.240)

Number of general parking enforcement citations (all other CVC/OMC codes)

Objective Description: Respond to dispatch requests throughout the City in a timely manner / Establish percentage of street sweeping by priority equity community. Ensure that proportion of street sweeping citations in priority neighborhoods does not exceed the established proportion of street sweeping in the City. / Prioritize violations that impact public safety including sidewalk, crosswalk and bike lane blocking, double parking, and red curb

Success Measure: Average dispatch response time for requests citywide; average dispatch response in priority equity neighborhoods

Proportion of street sweeping citations in priority equity neighborhood to street sweeping completed

Service Title: Abandoned Auto

Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods

Service Description: Responding to reports of abandoned and blighted vehicles by assessing situation, enforcing relevant California Vehicle Code (CVC) and Oakland Municipal Code (codes), and abating (by towing and impounding) vehicles.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of auto service requests processed through CityWorks / Percent of auto service requests resulting in abatement

Objective Description: Prioritize response to OPD beats that have been designed as NEST by the CAO

Prioritize all other East Oakland and West Oakland beats that, historically, have suffered from vehicle dumping

Success Measure: Percent of East and West Oakland requests in 75th percentile response time efficiency

Percent of East and West Oakland beats in the top 50% response time efficiency




The Administration unit supports the department-wide administrative functions including the Director’s Office, Administrative Manager, Assistant Director, Human Resources, Fiscal Services, Strategic Planning, Business Analytics and Funding Strategy, which also includes Major Projects and Right of Way Management.

Right of Way

Ensure that work done in the public right-of-way (ROW) adheres to the City’s highest standards, and that construction projects that bring housing and jobs to the City are implemented per safety standards. This group also provides engineering oversight for private development projects, develops traffic control plans and oversees construction inspectors who confirm that private projects in Oakland’s ROW are being carried out per plan.

Great Streets Delivery

Responsible for planning, designing, implementing and managing major transportation infrastructure projects.

Planning & Project Development

Plan and develop Oakland’s Complete Streets Policy through a corridor approach that values all users—pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and drivers—in ways that improve the safety and livability of key corridors across the City. Using the Citywide Pedestrian Plan and Bicycle Plan as guidance, and in coordination with Alameda County Transportation Commission’s (ACTC) Multimodal Arterial Plan and AC Transit’s Major Corridors Plan, this group is responsible for policy development, community outreach, corridor plans, and preliminary design, including the critical transition between plan recommendations and project definitions that can be competitive for outside funding. Furthermore, PPD works with the Office of Planning and Building to develop conditions of approval for various private development projects to ensure they are consistent with OakDOT’s strategic plan and values.

Complete Streets Design

Prepare design and construction documents for capital improvements of streetscape projects developed by and in partnership with the Complete Streets Planning Section. The complete streets projects are major investments that will transform the right of way to encourage and facilitate walking, biking, and transit service.

Pavement & Sidewalk

Provide safe, well-maintained local transportation networks for every neighborhood, supporting access by bus, bike, on foot, in a wheelchair or stroller, or in a car. Repaving provides an opportunity to update newly resurfaced streets with designs that accommodate all users and significantly improve safety and accessibility.

Structures and Emergency Response

The Structures and Emergency Response team focuses on seismic retrofits, bridge maintenance, emergency roadway repairs, retaining wall construction, stairway repairs, railroad crossing improvements, and abandoned railroad track removals. This group’s overall focus in on the safety and maintenance of existing roadway and structures.


Provide essential survey services for anything being built in the City of Oakland and support the department’s civil engineers as they enter the design phases of major streets projects. The group also provides assessments of parcel boundaries, pivotal for private projects being constructed in the City.

Great Street Maintenance

Responsible for maintaining streets, sidewalks, guardrails and other major road features, including over 800 miles of asphalt pavement within the public right-of-way, requiring ongoing crack sealing, pothole filling, trench paving, and maintaining asphalt berms. The division responds to service requests to repair 200 miles of curb and gutter, 66 miles of concrete streets, 72 miles of concrete medians, and 1,120 linear miles of sidewalks. In addition to maintenance, this division delivers concrete and pavement capital projects with in-house construction crews.

Safe Streets

Responsible for actively developing and efficiently maintaining transportation programs and assets in ways that promote the safety and well-being of Oakland residents and visitors.

Safe Street Maintenance

Install and replace City traffic signs, striping, and legends and maintains 200,000 traffic signs, 3,600 miles of lane striping, 400,000 linear feet crosswalks and 6,000 legends. The group also supports a project delivery pipeline by combining in-house capacity and on-call striping contract for the responsive and efficient construction of striping only projects. Meter maintenance is responsible for the City's 3,900 single-space parking meters and 567 multi-space parking kiosks.

Neighborhood Traffic Safety

Support a safe city by assessing traffic safety issues identified by the public based on safety history and socio-economic factors with emphasis placed on residential neighborhoods and school areas. Employ decision and design strategies that ensure limited resources are used efficiently and equitably.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs

Advance and improve Oakland’s bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to promote equity and sustainability. The group coordinates implementation of the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans; delivers low-cost, high-impact projects in a programmatic manner; manages transportation-related data; and provides staff support to the City’s Bicyclist & Pedestrian Advisory Commission.

Major Corridor Multimodal Operations

Balance the needs of transit, pedestrians, bicycles and the changing flow of vehicles at different times of the day by engineering and maintaining the City’s 700+ traffic signals, regulating the right-of-way and playing a critical role in creating new rules for safety on Oakland’s streets. This group would also implement minor in-house traffic signal upgrades as part of improving traffic signal operations. The group also provides 24/7 standby crews for emergency response.


Provides maintenance and repair of 38,000 City street lights and provides design standards for proper City street lighting. Division goals include updating the street lighting catalog to include durable, easily maintained street lighting and pedestrian lighting; and conversion of existing non-LED street lights to LED street lights. Committed to leveling the playing field and providing afford-able, energy-efficient and easily maintained lighting in every neighborhood for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders, as well as motorists, helping make every journey safe, no matter how you travel.

Crossing Guard Operations

Support traffic safety by assisting children and other pedestrians to cross the street in designated crosswalks and stop traffic accordingly. The Crossing Guards may also report traffic violations occurring during school traffic hours or report accidents which involve school children and/or guards while on duty.

Parking and Mobility Management

Mobility Management

Innovations in transportation are changing the way people move around cities. Mobility Management focuses on active management of the city’s on and off-street public parking supply and curb space to serve public needs for private vehicles, transit, taxis, commercial loading, preferential permit parking, bicycle parking, parklets, food trucks, and other public benefits. Mobility Management also works on projects and programs that improve and expand transportation choices – including carsharing, bi-cycle sharing, and scooter sharing – to further the City’s equity, safety, environmental, and economic goals.

Parking Enforcement

Parking Enforcement is dedicated to the issuance of citations through the consistent enforcement of parking laws to incentivize drivers to comply with regulations. This results in parking turnover, greater availability of parking, the safe and efficient movement of traffic, and abandoned auto removal.

Major Projects

Traffic Capital Projects

Manage the preparation of design and construction documents for capital improvements related to traffic safety and major traffic operational improvements including Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects, transit priority signalization pro-jects, as well as pedestrian, bikeways, and traffic safety improvements.