Mission Statement

The Human Resources Management Department recruits, develops and maintains the talented and diverse workforce that serves the Oakland community. We are responsible for the administration of the competitive civil service process, labor agreements, risk management systems, and employee health benefits. We value equity, professional growth, and building a strong, committed workforce. As an internal service department, we take pride in our customer service, problem solving and employee recognition capacity. We strive to be a model for human resource services in the public sector by demonstrating exceptional professionalism and integrity.

Learn more about who we are and what we do here.



Good jobs and vibrant economy

  1. Creates a Vacancy Strikeforce by dedicating 2.0 FTE Senior Human Resource Analysts and 2.0 FTE Human Resource Analysts to filling the over 340 vacant positions in Oakland Public Works, Housing and Community Development, Planning and Building, and the Department of Transportation. These positions will be funded outside of the General Purpose Fund and exclusively committed to improving staffing in these departments.
    • Equity Consideration: Oakland's Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) low-income communities are disproportionately impacted by understaffing in services such as illegal dumping, graffiti abatement, traffic safety, and affordable housing development. Committing resources to staffing improvements in these areas will enhance service quality for vulnerable communities while providing high quality City jobs for Oakland residents. City residents will be prioritized and given extra consideration in the city’s hiring process and the majority of vacant jobs are entry level or do not require a college degree.
  2. Commits $250,000 for a study of salaries and compensation for all City workers to assess if the City is competitive with other neighboring public agencies.
    • Equity Consideration: Studying salaries and compensation of the City's workforce will assist in making Oakland a more competitive employer. Currently, the highest rates of job vacancies are experienced in departments staffed by City workers who are majority BIPOC and majority Oakland residents.
  3. Adds $100,000 for City job fairs focused on Oakland residents with the highest rates of unemployment, highest rates of youth unemployment, and the lowest rates of workforce participation as outlined in the City’s most recent Equity Indicators Report.
    • Equity Consideration: These job fairs will provide an opportunity for the City to partner with local community colleges and high schools to host recruitment events and to connect our most vulnerable residents with opportunities to build a career in public service. It will also enhance services for residents and promote a vibrant local economy as hundreds of City jobs are filled.
  4. Adds 1.0 FTE Supervising Human Resource Technician in the Recruitment, Classification, and Benefits division, and deletes vacant 2.0 FTE Senior Human Resource Technician. The Employee Relations division supports all City departments through providing employee relations and labor negotiations support. It will balance the current workload so that everyone has the capacity to offer the highest level of service to the City staff. The Supervising Human Resource Technician will support the six (6) recently hired Human Resource Technicians in the Recruitment Classification, and Benefits Division. This role is needed as a part of the reporting structure of the division, which manages the recruitment and classification efforts citywide.
    • Equity Consideration: The services provided by the Recruitment, Classification and Benefits division impacts staff throughout the organization and members of the public, specifically Oakland’s BIPOC communities through its recruitment efforts. It’s essential that the division be appropriately staffed to provide support for the various recruitment and classification services. The services provided by the Employee Relations division impacts all City departments, through resolving grievances, handling labor negotiations, and assisting in interpretation of labor contracts. It is essential that the division be staffed with administrative support to assist the department’s efforts.


Note: Adjust the column widths at header row to view complete table.


Expenditures By Fund

Expenditures By Category

Expenditures By Bureau/Division


Authorized Positions By Bureau

Authorized Positions By Classification