FY 2022-23 Adopted Policy Budget



Non-Departmental comprises costs, programs, activities, debt and lease payments that are not assignable to a specific department.




Other Impacts And Changes

  1. Repay Over $21M in Longstanding Negative Balances in City Funds.
    • Equity Consideration: No impact.
  2. Adds $11.5M in new funding from Measure AA to be dedicated to providing additional services in two respective areas: early childhood education and college readiness. These two areas are pre-determined from the ballot language of the Measure AA.
    • Equity Consideration: BIPOC children in Oakland have less access to quality preschool programming as well as services that prepare them for college. These new funds will help to close that disparity.
  3. Adds $2.5M in position and O&M funding from the Development Services Fund (2415) for the Permit Center One-Stop Shop.
  4. Adds $150,000 for Black New Deal Reparations Equity Impact Analysis.
    • Equity Consideration: This is a council amendment approved at budget adoption and an equity statement was not developed for this item.
  5. Adds $7.1M for Labor MOUs
    • Equity Consideration: Invests in the City's diverse workforce to keep wages competitive and implements equity adjustments to bring select classifications closer to market average.


Note: Adjust the column widths at header row to view complete table.


Expenditures By Fund

Expenditures By Category

Expenditures By Bureau/Division


Citywide Activities

Citywide Activities consists of a wide variety of city-wide costs and programs. Fund transfers are included in Citywide Activities, such as the transfer of funds to the Underground District Revolving Fund. The other major component is subsidies to organizations outside City governments. Examples of city-wide programs and their annual costs include the Joint Powers Authority Membership.

Debt/Lease Payments

Includes several debt service payments, for example financing of City administration buildings at Frank Ogawa Plaza; various Information Technology lease payments, such as costs for the upgrade to Oracle (the City’s financial system) and the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum.

Fiscal Management

Fiscal Management includes overhead cost recoveries and contingency line items. The largest item is a cost recovery into the General Purpose Fund from other funds. This represents a reimbursement for services provided by General Government departments such as Personnel, the City Administrator, the City Attorney and Finance.

Insurance & Liability Claims

Includes transfers from the General Purpose Fund and various Non-General Purpose funds to pay for the City’s self-insurance premiums, as well as claims & settlements, outside legal services, and court costs.