Parks & Open Spaces
Public Works | Citywide (see map below)
Project Funding
Project Fund Source
Estuary Park

Project Score: 103
Planning, design and construction of new Park and Bay Trail.
San Antonio Park

Project Score: 103
Revision to Master Plan and complete first priorities (playground renovation, etc.). Feasibility Study to complete a comprehensive development plan that includes community input and City needs ( for example; Library, OPR, Head Start and Resilience Center, etc.) and initial design up to 35%.
Sobrante Mini Park

Project Score: 104
This community led renovation project received substantial community input. It involves new installation and replacement of play equipment, picnic tables and ground surfacing.
Tyrone Carney Park

Project Score: N/A
Community-led renovation of closed park to include play areas, par courses, paved walking paths, circular plaza with ornamental paving and memorial feature, wrought iron fencing with gates, and landscaping/irrigation.