City Council
Business Goals
Affordable Housing & Homelessness Solutions
- Protection/Prevention — protect tenants and low-income property owners, prevent homelessness;
- Preservation — preserve affordable housing;
- Production — produce deeply affordable housing, including for transitional aged youth and seniors
- House unsheltered residents — lease/purchase hotels; utilize public land for emergency shelter, safe parking sites, transitional housing, and permanent deeply affordable housing; and
- Service encampments with outreach and supportive services, and health and sanitation services.
Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
- Implement the 12 prioritized recommendations of the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force to increase public safety through alternative responses to call for service, civilization of certain sworn functions, and investments in addressing the root causes of violence and poverty
- Reduce gun violence and focus on violent crime, including increasing investigation capacity and solve rates;
- Reduce traffic violence, including implementing improvements on Oakland's High Injury Network and increasing capacity for rapid response;
- Increase violence prevention, trauma-informed care and healing;
- Expand alternative response to police, such as MACRO; and
- Implement and expand Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for crime prevention and traffic calming.
Good Jobs & Vibrant Economy
- Create and maintain family-sustaining jobs;
- Enhance workforce development and training, and youth jobs programs;
- Support small businesses, addressing racial and gender disparities, and enhancing business districts; and
- Fully staff City Departments by improving recruitment (especially of Oakland residents), filling vacancies, and increasing both retention and succession planning.
Clean, Healthy, Sustainable Neighborhoods
- Reduce and prevent illegal dumping, litter and blight, including proactive service and enforcement, and reducing the backlog of abandoned autos;
- Ensure safe and well maintained streets and sidewalks;
- Invest in parks, libraries, youth development, senior services, arts & culture; and
- Expand wildfire prevention and disaster preparedness/response.