Licenses & Permits


Licenses and Permits revenue primarily includes special Police and Fire permits, traffic, cannabis, bingo permits, residential parking permits, and animal licenses.

In FY 2006-07, 93% of License & Permit revenue related to development and building code enforcement activities were taken out of the GPF and moved to the new Development Services Fund (2415). Those revenues were specifically associated with a variety of development and enforcement activities, such as land use, permit, and inspection and abatement services. This separation was intended to allow clearer monitoring of these revenues and their related expenditures, as required by state law. As a result of the separation, Licenses and Permits revenue after FY 2006-07 dropped to a new baseline, which is only 7% of the previous revenues.

The Licenses and Permit category is projected to come back to historical trend levels at $1.4 million each year.