Mission Statement
The Information Technology Department (ITD) is committed to providing sustainable and agile delivery of strategic and effective technology solutions to enhance services for the City’s residents, businesses, employees and visitors. We are dedicated to designing, deploying and maintaining Information Technology (IT) systems, infrastructure, and applications that support the full spectrum of City government, from human services to public safety to economic development, and leading the effort to innovate, adopt and implement technologies that will have a lasting impact on the future of City services, government transparency and citizen engagement.
Learn more about who we are and what we do here.
Other Impacts & Changes
- Transfers 4.0 FTE in the Accela Administration Team and funding associated with these positions and related contracts from the Planning and Building Department (PBD) into the Information Technology Department (ITD). The Accela platform is a critical component of the City’s permitting and land use management processes through allowing residents and businesses to apply for permits and submit code complaints online, enabling department staff to review and track each stage of the application and inspection process, and facilitating payment of fees and inspections scheduling. Consistent with the findings and recommendations of the Reimagining One-Stop Permitting (ROSP) project, this cost-neutral transfer from PBD to ITD continues the progress achieved to date by centralizing the management and strategic planning of the Accela platform within the purview and expertise of ITD.
- Equity Consideration: Transferring the Accela team to ITD will allow for greater communication and coordination for maintenance and support of the Accela software system. Additionally, this transfer will allow for greater citywide involvement in overall systems contracts and strategic planning related to this project team. This transfer will positively impact City residents, businesses and staff that rely on the Accela team and system for permitting and land-use management issues by providing easier and more transparent access to services through our digital platforms. Reducing these barriers is likely to help lower income and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities because it will increase the transparency and access to various City services around permitting.
- Adds $5 million per year in funding to support cybersecurity infrastructure upgrades. The City of Oakland depends on technology to not only complete critical job functions for City staff, but also implement the applications, programs and policies that reach all Oakland residents. Aging infrastructure and outdated security measures are increasingly problematic, and the $5 million per year in ongoing funding will begin to address those deficiencies and strengthen Oakland’s network and cybersecurity tools. Additional funding will allow ITD to initiate these critical standards.
- Equity Consideration: An increase in cybersecurity funding will benefit all City employees and residents. As the security footprint of Oakland’s network is enhanced, the result will be infrastructure that is more resilient and robust so that the City’s day-to-day operations and service delivery can continue and improve.
- Adds $2 million in FY 2023-24 from Measure U dollars (5340) to ensure the affordable housing units have the broadband lines to connect to OAK WiFi, which is Oakland’s initiative to provide universally accessible internet access to all City residents.
- Equity Consideration: Universal access to reliable internet service is imperative to ensuring equitable connectivity across Oakland. OAK WiFi reaches the underserved and unconnected in our community and adding broadband capacity to new affordable housing units across the City is a critical commitment to equitable service access.
- Adds 1.0 FTE Management Assistant and deletes 1.0 FTE Account Clerk II. With increasingly complex financial and contract needs within ITD, the addition of a Management Assistant will allow the department to increase capacity to work both internally and externally on critical acquisitions for the City.
- Equity Consideration: This position addition will have a positive impact on City ITD staff, other department staff, and residents who rely on the City to provide high-level IT services and programs. Ensuring smooth continuity with contracts, purchasing and internal/external vendor issues will provide a more seamless interface with City platforms for all residents who utilize them.
Other Impacts & Changes
- Freezes vacant 1.0 FTE Help Desk Specialist which will reduce the first line of technical support for City staff. This position monitors for irregularities on the network and is integral in tracking, monitoring, and repairing issues with staff computers, applications and network issues. The level of service is unchanged since the position is currently vacant. The workload is and will continue to be passed to the other Help Desk specialists to ensure that City staff will be assisted. This additional workload results in slower response time and reduces the department’s ability to rapidly troubleshoot and resolve system-wide issues, which impact the City’s day-to-day operations and service delivery.
- Equity Consideration: Continued understaffing of key technical positions in the City will keep the City at risk for network outages and cybersecurity incidents which threaten the ability of the City to function. This could negatively impact Oakland residents who need services provided by the City that are vulnerable to technological disruptions and delays.
Note: Adjust the column widths at header row to view complete table.
Expenditures By Fund
Expenditures By Category
Expenditures By Bureau/Division
Authorized Positions By Bureau
Authorized Positions By Classification
The Information Technology Department requested that departments document any IT projects they intend to undertake during the coming Biennium. Below is a description of the projects by department.
Department: City Clerk
Project Name: Retention Schedule
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: Unknown
Project Details: The retention schedule will require an IT platform. All requirements are not clear at this time, the fine details will come from the contractor. However, the council granted the initial funding in the midcycle budget
Other Important Details: The Public Records Act
Timeline: This project will require ongoing support
Department: Housing & Community Development
Project Name: Loan Management System
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: One-Time cost $550,000; Ongoing cost- regular software maintenance costs
Proposed Funding Source: 1.1870.89919.54912.1000386.SC14
Project Details: HCD provides loan services for residents, housing development projects, first time home buyers, and local businesses. The current semi-manual EBS 12.2.5 loan system used by HCD is greatly outdated and inefficient. It no longer suits the needs of the ever-growing loan portfolio, which is now over $600 million. The department is in dire need to acquire an updated loan management system to allow it to provide quality and efficient loan services.
Other Important Details: A significant part of HCD loans is funded by federal/state grants that require on-going loan program compliances, such as tracking and reporting. Lacking an automatic loan system, HCD staff has been manually keeping track of all loans. Over time, this manual process has contributed to significant discrepancies in loan records between the City's financial system and subsidiary loan records. The new system will enhance City's compliances with rants and tax dollars funding the loans.
Timeline: We hope ITD can kick off the process in FY22-23, or FY23-24 otherwise. HCD partnered with ITD and started the acquisition process in 2020 and worked through together in 2021, but the process has been pushed on since then.
Department: Finance
Project Name: Misc IT projects for Controller's Bureau
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system - Oracle
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: Streamline LD Mass Adjustments processes by implementing webadi; Streamline Misc Transactions processes by implementing webadi; Automate Perfect Mind interface, it is still a manual process; Re-implement iExpense (current configuration not working)
Timeline: Controller's bureau is ready to start ASAP. Per IT, these projects can only be tackled after the current upgrade to the cloud is complete
Project Name: Oracle Enhancements
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: Neogov Integration-Onboarding; Self Service Integration; Retro Pay; Upgrade project; CALPERS Reporting
Timeline: 2 years. Must wait for the cloud integration first.
Project Name: Banking Transition, E-Payable
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: Banking depository services and Merchant services; Electronic Payment Solution where the City can pay their vendors by ACH, Credit Card or Check to Streamlines operations
Other Important Details: RFP needed for Banking Services within the year.
Timeline: Planning to finish the RFP process by end of this year
Project Name: Point of Sale System (POS)
Request Type: Enhancement of POS system; Hardware Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: POS is outdated and no longer can support the city's needs. Need a new system that is comparable with Oracle to replace POS system
Other Important Details: Council wants to pass the merchant fees back to the citizens, but needs to be replaced to a more current application to facilitate this request.
Timeline: Need to start ASAP and will take about 1-2 years to complete the project
Department: Fire
Project Name: OFD Fiber Optics Upgrade
Request Type: Hardware Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost $200,000
Proposed Funding Source: General Budget/Capital Improvement
Project Details: Several stations within the Fire Department have fiber optic internet lines. Most of the stations still have a standard connection making it difficult to complete mandated forms and call reporting. Platforms such as Accela, NFIRS, Operative IQ, all require reliable internet to use. We currently do not have the technology required to perform our duties consistently.
Other Important Details: The fire department is required to report information on several platforms for each completed call per county and federal mandates. Annually the fire department goes on over 60,000 calls for service, each one requiring data be completed via internet.
Timeline: The entire project would take approximately 4-5 months to complete as there is internet wiring currently in place and would only require upgrading.
Project Name: Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Upgrade Phase 3
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system; Hardware Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost: $450,000; Ongoing Cost: $12,000/yr
Project Details: Upgrade existing computer systems throughout EOC. Integrate the rest of the breakout rooms with the situation room display system. Add video conferencing technology in remaining breakout rooms. This project will enhance interoperability among EOC sections and provide up to date situational awareness for all emergency response organizations.
Other Important Details: The OMC requires the City to operate an Emergency Operations Center to enable City leaders and the entire City Emergency Organization to respond to and manage responses to an emergency or disaster in accordance with the City's Emergency Plan.
Timeline: September 2023 – August 2024
Department: Office of the Inspector General
Project Name: Auditing Software Implementation and Service
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost $63,240; Ongoing Cost 36,683
Proposed Funding Source: General Fund/Reallocation from Contract Savings
Project Details: The OIG would like to implement an auditing software as a newly created office that is focused on transparency and timely data review and analysis. The OIG would also like to ensure there is a sound records management system to house not only data but reports. The system will also be able to create user friendly dashboards and make the OIG work more efficient.
Other Important Details: Section 2.45.120 required the OIG identify trends and patterns regarding use of force and Office involved shootings. It also requires the OIG audit key functions and programs of OPD and CPRA. Measure S1 outlines the OIG’s authority and mandates the auditing and monitoring of this process.
Timeline: The OIG reviewed and engaged a few platforms. At this point it looks like TeamMate Audit Solutions is a great fit. We are hoping to get this implemented by the new fiscal year.
Department: Police
Project Name: IAD Recording System Replacement
Request Type: Hardware & Software Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: $22,000 ($17,500 for the software and hardware and $4,500 for 3 years of support - IAD Budget)
Project Details: We need to replace the recording system hardware and software in IAD as the version we have will be end of life in April 2023
Timeline: Completed by March 2023
Project Name: ALPR upgrade
Request Type: Hardware & Software Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: $20,000 (One-year cost, will be renewed yearly as needed - funded by OPD Budget)
Project Details: Upgrade the current ALPR software and host on a virtual server
Other Important Details: Approved by City Council and PAC
Timeline: To be determined
Project Name: CID Interview Room Recording System
Request Type: Hardware & Software Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: $400,000 (5 years at about $80K per year - OPD Budget)
Project Details: Need to completely replace the recording systems in several interview rooms
Timeline: Q2 2023
Project Name: Scheduling System
Request Type: Software replacement
Estimated Budget: $150,000 (2 years at $75K a year - funded by OPD Budget)
Project Details: Need a telestaff replacement
Timeline: Q2 2023
Project Name: CID Case Management System
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: A tool to easily allow CID the ability to gauge the effectiveness of their work
Timeline: Q3 2023 or later
Department: Public Works
Project Name: Velosimo Integration Solution (Middleware)
Request Type: New system
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: Velosimo is a middleware that would allow us to build custom integrations with systems. Velosimo is in a unique position being a high-level business parter with both Accela and Cityworks. This middleware would create a single point of access for both systems and their integrations. This could potentially increase security for the City, as all integrations for Cityworks would flow through Velosimo versus connecting directly to the City’s WAF.
Other Important Details: Using this to integrate Cityworks with CCTV software, maintenance hole flow monitors and other IOT devices would position use to be in better compliance with the Sewer Consent Decree.
Timeline: Start – Feb 2023-Dec 2024
Project Name: Wifi Extension to Edgewater Internal Lots
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost: 50,000
Project Details: Extend the City’s internal WIFI to the internal parking lots of Edgewater so that trucks with computer equipment on them can connect to the internet to upload data on a nightly basis.
Other Important Details: Initial use case is for the Sewer CCTV vans – this will aid the City in meeting compliance with the Sewer Consent Decree
Timeline: Start – Jan 2023-Mar 2023
Project Name: Network Access for Portable Office next to Horticulture Center
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system
Estimated Budget: To be determined
Project Details: There’s a new(ish) portable office next to the Horticultre center at the Garden Center in Lake Merrit. The portable office space needs to be wired for network access so that Parks can install a shared computer lab for staff to use to complete timecard and Cityworks entries, as well as other uses.
Timeline: Start – Jan 2023-Mar 2023
Project Name: AssetWorks Upgrade
Request Type: Hardware Replacement/Upgrade
Estimated Budget: Ongoing Cost $5,000
Project Details: Requesting Upgrade assistance from Assetworks customer support to move from version to 20.0.2 to latest as we have reached “end-of life” for current version.
Timeline: 3 weeks to implement changes in dev tier and test all processes and integration and fix any issues before implementing changes in Production
Project Name: PMWeb-Oracle Integration
Request Type: New Project/System (e.g., a new software system)
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost $100k; Ongoing Cost: $10,000
Project Details: Integration between Oracle and PMWeb – to bring over CIP project details ( POETA and GL)
Timeline: 4 months- requirements gathering and implementation
Department: Public Ethics Commission
Project Name: Democracy Dollars Management System
Request Type: New Project/System
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost To be determined, the Seattle program Democracy Dollars is modeled after spent approximately $300,000 to implement their technology system. Ongoing Cost to be determined
Proposed Funding Source: Effective July 1, 2023, the Oakland Fair Elections Act provides $700,000 in start-up funds to implement the Democracy Dollars program.
Project Details: In November 2022, Oakland voters approved ballot Measure W, the Oakland Fair Elections Act (OFEA) which establishes a newly designed public financing program for Oakland elections that disperses $100 in Democracy Dollar vouchers to eligible Oakland residents who can then assign the Dollars to their preferred candidate. The Public Ethics Commission (PEC or Commission) is responsible for administering the Democracy Dollars Program. The new law outlines criteria for participation and thresholds that a candidate must meet to qualify for the program and receive assigned vouchers, including campaign spending limits and participation in a certain number of public forums. The PEC wants a technology system to administer the program, from creating Democracy Dollar records with unique identifiers to tracking the Democracy Dollar vouchers throughout processing from assignment to validation to creating invoices for fund disbursements to candidates in an integrated software solution. In addition, the system must track performance metrics identified in the law and provide various data listing, formatted reports, and visualizations for a user-friendly public transparency portal. Goals: Meet program launch deadline for 2024 election (ready to deploy November 2023); Accurate assignment of Democracy Dollar vouchers to eligible Oakland residents; Accurate and timely processing of Democracy Dollar vouchers; Timely invoice payment of Democracy Dollars proceeds to assigned candidates; Reduce manual processes; Visibility and transparency of Democracy Dollars program in compliance with Oakland Fair Elections Act requirements
Other Important Details: The Oakland Fair Elections Act outlines criteria for participation as well as performance metrics and data that must be published on a searchable, user-friendly public transparency portal. PEC staff is in the process of drafting a detailed business requirements document.
Timeline: Start: July 1, 2024; MVP for 2024 election: November 2024; We expect development to continue over several election cycles.
Department: Race & Equity
Project Name: None
Request Type: Contract with consultant to lead data system review and problem-solving path for improving functionality of City data collection and reporting; Enhancement of Existing system
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost $100,000; Ongoing Cost N/A.
Proposed Funding Source: Carry over allocation from FY22-23 Midcycle Budget
Project Details: Survey department data needs; Map existing collection methods; Problem solve for integration of data from various sources and methods; Explore approaches for generation of report
Timeline: Start Q2 2023; Target Finish Q1 2024
Department: Transportation
Project Name: TMC Upgrade
Request Type: Enhancement of Existing system including hardware and software upgrade
Estimated Budget: One-Time Cost $500,000; Ongoing Cost $50,000
Proposed Funding Source: One-Time Cost was funded by Measure B and local match. Ongoing Cost funding is to be determined
Project Details: The City’s existing Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) is equipped with Cubic/Trafficware ATMS.now central software on an HP Server in City of Oakland’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), HP workstations in Traffic Management Center (TMC) and various offices, Cisco switches in TMC and EOC, Palo Alto firewall in EOC, and wall video monitor in TMC. The project will upgrade ATMS software on a new computer server in EOC, workstation computers and wall video monitor in TMC.
Timeline: The project is expected to start in March, 2023 and complete by December 31, 2024