City Clerk



Internal Services

KTOP Television

Manages and facilitates the broadcast of all government bodies, preservation of the official record of government bodies as permanent or temporary records, ACA captioning services, as required under local, state and federal law, FCC, and DIVCA.

Managing and Performing Legal Noticing

Perform legally mandated noticing of City Council and City Committee Meetings for distribution to the public, members of the council, and executive staff.

Form 700 Filing Officer

Official for Statement of Economic Interest Form 700 which provides transparency and ensures accountability in government decisions required by the State of California.

Provide Access to Inactive Records Citywide

Draft policy and establish procedures for care, preservation, retention, and disposition of all City records.

Video Production Services

Creates and produces (script writing, video acquisition, graphic design, editing) videos and the information bulletin board, for City departments for promotion, training, citywide information, and distribution.

External Services

Facilitate City Council and Committee Meetings

Facilitate public access to meetings, records official actions taken by the Council, The Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency, JPA and other governing bodies.

Coordination of Election Candidates

Administers and coordinates election services for the selection of City and OUSD officials.

Coordination of Ballot Initiatives

Coordination of citywide ballot measures from the City Council and Citizen Based Initiatives.

Recall Officer

Filing officer for Elected Officials recall.

Broadcasts of Legislative Business meetings/Original Programming

Broadcast/archival of all government bodies, preservation of the official record of government bodies as permanent or temporary records, meeting duplication via DVD and online via Granicus and original programming duplication and Zoom support. ADA captioning services required under local, state and federal law, FCC, and DIVCA. Produce original programs that tell the stories of Oakland's history and its residents, employees, and diverse communities.

Production Studio Rental

Production studio and edit facilities available to public and private renters.


Service Title: Agenda Distribution

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Manage and perform legal noticing of City Council and Council Committee agendas and materials distribution to the public, members of the Council, and executive staff; handle other legal publication requirements for agenda items; facilitate public access to meetings; record official actions taken by Council and Council Committees. This service is subject to statutory requirements.

Service Type: Both

Output Measure: Number of noticed agendas and materials of Council and Council Committees to elected officials, executive staff, and public.

Number of agendas published, posted, and noticed of Council and Council Committee Meetings.

Number of ordinances processed and legally noticed.

Number of resolutions processed.

Objective Description: Timely legal noticing 100% of ordinances.

Accurately process and notice 100% of resolutions upon approval of Council.

Publish and notice 100% of agendas to the public 10 days and 3 days before a meeting date; and 48 hours before a Special meeting date.

Honor 100% of interpretation requests made one week before Council and Council Committee meetings (Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin).

Accurately record 100% of actions taken by City Council.

Success Measure: Percent of timely legal noticing of ordinances.

Percent of accurate process and notice of resolutions upon approval of Council.

Percent of agendas published and noticed to the public 10 days and 3 days before a meeting date: 48 hours before a Special meeting date.

Percent of all actions recorded accurately and adopted without amendments.

Percent of interpretation requests honored.

Service Title: Official Filing Officer – Form 700

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Review, file, and audit Statement of Economic Interest – Form 700 documents to ensure public transparency of a public official’s and government employee’s financial interests and identify potential conflicts of interest.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: Number of Form 700 Assuming Office processed.

Number of Form 700 Annual Statement processed.

Number of Form 700 Leaving Office processed.

Objective Description: Increase the percentage of timely Form 700 compliant filings by 40% annually.

Increase required filing of assuming/leaving office statements within mandatory 30-day deadline by 8%/30% annually respectively.

Success Measure: Percent of timely Form 700 compliant filings

Percent of assuming/leaving office statement filed within 30-day deadline.

Service Title: Records Division

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Preserve and provide access to city-wide records; coordinate disposition processes; perform bid openings, process discovery requests for litigation requests and Public Records Act requests.

Service Type: Both

Output Measure: Number of citywide contracts processed.

Number of Public Records Act requests completed.

Number of board and commissions agenda posted.

Number of ordinances posted.

Number of resolutions posted.

Objective Description: Increase the percentage rate of external records request completed by 8% annually.

Timely and accurately post all Board and Commission required documents upon receipt.

Accurately process and perform 100% of bid openings.

Process and preserve 100% of approved contracts and agreements.

Prepare 100% of adopted Ordinances for codification.

Success Measure: Percent of public record requests completed annually.

Percent of timely posted documents received.

Percent of timely and accurately processing bid openings for Public Works Agency and Purchasing Department.

Percent of processed and maintained approved citywide contracts and agreements.

Percent of adopted ordinances sent to Municode for codification every 2 weeks.



City Clerk Operations

Agenda Management

Manages and performs processes to prepare and issue City Council legislative agendas and materials in advance to the public, members of the Council, and executive staff; facilitate opportunities for public comment during the meeting; record official actions taken by the Council, the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), and certain other governing bodies.

Customer Service and Public Relations

Manages general operations for the department: finance, budget, payroll, personnel, workers comp.; process Domestic Partnership Registration Applications; coordinate facilities’ needs; and Equal Access.

Elections & Political Compliance

Administer and coordinate election services for the selection of City and Oakland Unified School District officers, approval of Initiatives, City Measures, Referendums, and Recalls; Serve as Filing Officer and Filing Official for the issuance, filing, review, and audit of required Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700).

Records Management

Maintain minutes, ordinances, resolutions, motions as adopted and approved by the City Council; City contracts; provide ready access to records in the care of the City Clerk; establish and administer policy and procedures to guide the care, preservation, retention, and timely disposition of all City records and information; facilitation of bid openings; manage contract for and access to offsite storage facility; coordinate records requests; manage records’ disposition processes; processes discovery requests for litigation requests.

KTOP Operations

KTOP is the City’s government access cable television station. KTOP provides coverage of City Council, Council Committee, and other City department meetings, and broadcasting original and acquired programming that connects and engages viewers with their city government, fellow citizens and the world at large.