Planning, Building, Economic Development
Economic & Workforce Development
External Services
Community Liaison and Capacity Building
Build the capacity of new organizations and partner with existing business servicing organizations to strengthen Oakland's local economy.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
Ongoing management and support for formation of BIDs.
Small Business Support/Retention - Business Assistance Center (BAC) 2.0
Provide direct technical assistance to small businesses.
Business Grants
Provide grants to businesses such as for facade and tenant improvments (redevelopment funded), those impacted by the development of the BRT line, and the Transforming Climate Communities grant in East Oakland.
Large Business Retention and Attraction
Attract and retain larger businesses and employers. Act as liaison between businesses and Planning, Police, Real Estate and other City departments.
Opportunity Zone Development
Through the Chief Opportunity Zone Officer, work to align and promote equitable development in opportunity zones to benefit Oakland residents.
Conduct marketing and outreach efforts to promote Oakland, retain and sustain existing businesses, and attract new businesses. Share resources and information with business community.
Implement Major Development Projects on City-owned and RDA Land
Negotiate Exclusive Negotiation Agreements (ENAs), Lease Disposition and Development Agreements (LDDAs) and Disposition and Development Agreements (DDAs) for real estate development on City- and former redevelopment land.
Dispose of Surplus Sites for New Development
Manage offer and disposition of City and former redevelopment owned sites for new development.
Asset Management of Major City Assets
Ongoing asset management (operations, capital repairs, etc.) of major City assets including the Paramount, Fox Theater, Oakland Ice Center, Scotlan Convention Center.
Ongoing Redevelopment Programs
Manage ongoing redevelopment programs, including streetscape improvements, blight abatement, and maintenance of former redevelopment sites.
Process Real Estate Transactions for External Parties
Process real estate transactions for outside stakeholders doing business with the City through asset donation, purchase, sale, easements, etc.
Use of City Property to Address Homelessness
Manage use of City property to address homelessness.
Use of City Property to Address COVID-19 Pandemic
Manage use of City property to address COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery, including use of City property for testing and business operations (Flex Streets program).
Negotiate and process agreements with telecom providers to expand large cell and small cell (5G) telecommunications service in Oakland; execute license agreements for poles.
Manage the Summer Youth Employment Program
Implement the annual summer youth employment program to provide job training and summer placements for Oakland youth.
Manage Adult and Youth Service Provider Contracts
Develop, manage and execute contracts with adult and youth workforce service providers for job training and employment services to unemployed or underemployed Oakland residents.
Business Engagement
Provide business services for employers including participating in the Oakland Workforce Collaborative, hiring events, on the job and customized training and conducting virtual job fairs to connect workers with employers.
Workforce Development for Cultural Workers
Develop a program to employ Oakland artists to do civic work. Develop program criteria and secure grant funding for a pilot.
Cultural Grant Making
Issue cultural grants twice annually for organizational assistance and individual artists and organizational projects.
Creation and Preservation of Cultural Spaces
Develop policy changes to create and preserve cultural spaces; liaison and provide technical assistance to the arts and cultural community on space needs; liaison to real estate developers on cultural spaces.
Special Events Permits and Film Office
Permits and administers special events, films and festival culture.
Local, regional, national advocacy for Oakland Cultural Affairs around policy, funding, etc.
Internal Services
Economic Operations
Develop 3-year Economic Development Strategy for 2021-2023, develop and implement Economic Recovery Framework for COVID-19 and track and report out economic data on an ongoing basis.
Financial Project Monitoring
Monitor ongoing real estate projects with active public funding agreements, such as Coliseum Connection, Seminary Point shopping center, MacArthur Transit Village, etc.
Management of Fox Oakland Theater (FOT)
Staff and manage the ongoing operations of FOT - a subsidiary entity responsible for oversight and management of the Fox Theater.
Manage the Oakland Renaissance New Markets Tax Credit Program (ORNMTC)
Staff and manage the City's New Markets Tax Credit entity to provide funding for development projects in Oakland.
Process Real Estate Transactions for City Departments
Process all real estate transactions, including acquisition, disposition, leasing, licensing of City assets with activities including negotiation, valuation and inventorying of City assets.
Lease Management
Manage all leases and licenses of City property to third parties (out leases) and leases and licenses of third party-owned property for City uses (in leases).
Site Acquisition Strategy
Develop a 5-year strategy for the acquisition of property to support City objectives, including acquisition of sites (i.e. buildings, hotels, and dormitories) to address homelessness.
Remnants/ Small Site Disposition
Develop and implement a 5-year strategy for the disposition of City remnants, sliver parcels, and other small sites not suitable for large scale development.
Develop 2021-2024 Local and Regional Workforce Plan
Develop and implement workforce plans to comply with regional, state and federal compliance requirements.
Board Management
Staff and manage the Workforce Board, including regular board and executive committee meetings, recruitment, etc.
Federal, State, Local Compliance
Administer and oversee the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act rules and regulations including develop mandated strategic partnerhips, program and fiscal management and monitor contracted service providers to ensure compliance.
Public Art Program
Manage public art for Capital Improvement and Private Development projects.
Councils & Commission
Staff and manage meetings of the Public Arts Advisory Council, Funding Advisory Council and Cultural Affairs Commission.
Fiscal & Personnel Management
Work with Division Managers to provide fiscal management for dept.'s budget and accounting, including performing Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Procurements, and General Ledger functions.
Also, work with Division Managers to recruit for and fill vacancies, onboard new hires, and coordinate other Human Resource activities including investigations, discipline, and appraisals.
Service Title: General Business Support and Cannabis Equity Programs
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Provide capital to entrepreneurs in underinvested communities through Cannabis Grant/Loan Programs, Revolving Loan Funds, Façade and Tenant Improvement (FTIP) Program, Equity in Contracting Program
Provide culturally responsive business support to underinvested entrepreneurs through Neighborhood Business Assistance Program (NBA), Equity in Contracting program, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant, Cannabis Equity Program
Increase access to and knowledge of Business Development programs like NBA and FTIP that specifically provide support to businesses in high priority neighborhoods.
Process special activity permits
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Amount of Funding disbursed
Number of businesses supported with technical assistance by the Neighborhood Business Assistance Program (NBA)
Number of businesses provided with referral support via Business Assistance Center webpage
Number of special activity permits issued
Number of Business Update emails sent with links to resources/Number of recipients
Objective Description: Provide business support and capital access to business owners impacted by racial disparities including: increase proportion of business support services, increase the number of City contracts awarded, and increase access to capital
Success Measure: Number of jobs created and retained as a result of business support services delivered
Percentage increase in number of City contracts awarded for business owners impacted by racial disparities
Percentage increase in access to capital for business owners impacted by racial disparities.
Service Title: Business Retention and Attraction
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Attract and retain businesses and employers by maintaining a vibrant and safe business environment
Ensure responsive regulatory services for existing and incoming businesses through the Neighborhood Enhancement Services Team (NEST), Business Development concierge services, and Neighborhood Business Assistance.
Support merchant organizing in commercial corridors, including through the Business Improvement District (BID) Program.
Assist businesses with property searches, relocation and acquisition and ownership advice.
Increase access to and knowledge of Business Development programs that specifically provide retention and attraction support to businesses in high priority neighborhoods
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of businesses receiving concierge assistance with permitting, planning, building, and site selection
Number of property inquiries answered, site concept assistance, landlord/tenant referrals
Number of activations in downtown and in neighborhood corridors.
Total amount of Clean Safe funding disbursed
Number of broken windows, camera and security grants awarded
Number of business associations/corridors assisted.
Number of cases in business corridors receiving escalated City services
Number of Business Improvement Districts assisted with data and regulatory functions
Number people engaged and reached through business corridor marketing campaigns
Number of website and email users registering in a service request or application
Number of business events produced/supported (e.g., Small Business Week, Manufacturing Week, partnership events that showcase Oakland, events supporting different business themes)
Number of businesses/employers engaged with or attending events
Objective Description: Reduction in business and job displacement
Success Measure: Number of jobs and businesses created and retained as a result of business concierge services
Vacancies decreased as a result of business development services delivered.
Vacancies in BIPOC and priority areas avoided as a result of business development services delivered
Service Title: Special Events, Cultural Security and Place-making
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: Issue permits and administer special event, film, and festival culture.
Issue cultural grants for individual artists, arts organizations, and festivals.
Initiate a cultural facilities plan via Cultural Affairs Commission.
Implement community markets in targeted locations.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of special activity permits processed
Number of special event permits issued
Number of cultural grants funded
Number of organizations funded
Gathering cultural plan information around economic impact and audiences served
Number of community markets supported, with individuals served
Objective Description: Increase grants, festival applications, and entrepreneurship opportunities for zip codes ranking high in Oakland’s Community Stressors Index.
Success Measure: Grant and festival applications and entrepreneurship opportunities are increased for organizers from or whose work benefits zip codes 94601, 94603, 94605, 94606, 94607, and 94621.
Service Title: Expand Workforce Opportunities for Oakland Residents
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Manage contracts with adult and youth workforce service providers for job training and employment services to unemployed or underemployed Oakland residents.
Engage with stakeholders to develop workforce development strategies in Oakland.
Coordinate Rapid Response services for businesses and workers deal with the impacts of layoffs and plant closures by coordinating services and providing immediate aid to companies and their affected workers
Manage the State-funded Oakland Forward youth employment program and the annual summer youth employment program to provide job training and year-round summer placements for Oakland youth.
Foster/support workforce program for artists and cultural workers.
Provide job opportunities via Transforming Climate Communities grant in East Oakland
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of workforce programs
Number of individuals served by workforce programs
Amount of money contributed to workforce development programs
Percentage of successful completions of workforce apprenticeships and training programs
Number of individuals employed in paid positions 1 year after
Number of job placements via TCC grant
Objective Description: Increase employment opportunities, including pre-apprenticeship and other workforce programs in zip codes with highest unemployment as identified by the OWDB 2020 Equity Analysis Report.
Increase number of employing businesses by 10% in zip codes with highest rates of unemployment
Success Measure: Increase employment opportunities by 10%, especially in zip codes with the highest rates of employment: 94621, 94603, 94605, 94601, and 94607, as identified in the OWDB 2020 Racial Equity Analysis.
Service Title: Interim Emergency Housing Programs and Affordable Housing on City Land
Council Priority: Housing Security & Homelessness Solutions
Service Description: Enable interim emergency and transitional housing solutions on public land.
Negotiate Exclusive Negotiation Agreements (ENAs), Lease Disposition and Development Agreements (LDDAs) and Disposition and Development Agreements (DDAs) for housing development on City-owned land.
Fund permanent affordable housing via TCC grant.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of active emergency housing programs on public sites and their capacity to serve
Number of permanent affordable housing units advanced.
Objective Description: Enable emergency shelter and develop permanent housing for low-income Oakland residents, including residents experiencing homelessness, an estimated and disproportionate 60% of whom are Black, according to the 2022 Point in Time Count.
Success Measure: Number of emergency housing programs enabled and number of permanent affordable housing units advanced through the development process.
Service Title: Major Real Estate Projects, Redevelopment Programs and Asset Management of City Assets
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Advance major commercial and mixed-use development projects of citywide importance, including the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center, the new Samuel Merritt University campus, and redevelopment of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex.
Ongoing asset management of major City-owned assets such as the Paramount Theater, Oakland Asian Cultural Center, Fox Theater, Former Raiders Headquarters and Training Facility, Oakland Ice Center, and Scotlan Convention Center.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of development projects advanced
Number of asset management projects advanced
Objective Description: Improves opportunities for housing, employment, cultural security and economic development and activation in critical City sites. Preserves public facilities that provide essential services for residents.
Success Measure: Number of development projects completed and/or advanced through critical milestones.
Number of asset management projects completed and/or advanced through critical milestones.
Service Title: Real Estate Leases and Transactions for City Departments
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Manage leases and licenses of City property to third parties (out leases) and leases and licenses of third party-owned property for City uses (in leases). Process real estate transactions, including acquisition, disposition, leasing, licensing of City assets with activities including negotiation, valuation, and inventorying of City assets. Includes negotiating and managing agreements with telecommunications companies to expand telecommunications service in Oakland.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of leases and licenses managed
Number of large cell telecom agreements executed and managed
Number of small cell telecom agreements executed and managed
Number of City light poles made available for small cell telecom facilities
Objective Description: Manage the City’s portfolio of leases and licenses
Timely, effective and professional real estate support to all City departments
Generate revenue from telecom agreements to fund Real Estate team’s support of homelessness and other City priorities
Success Measure: Number of leases and licenses managed
Number of real estate assignments with/for other departments
Amount of revenue generated by Telecom agreements to fund Real Estate operations.
Service Title: 5-Year Economic Development Strategy
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: Establish equitable economic objectives for each EWD Department and build programs with community engagement that creates trust in the City’s primary strategies such as the General Plan, DoT Strategic Plan, ECAP and the Cultural Plan.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Issue RFP and select consultant to assist with completion of EDS
Develop an EWDD Race & Equity plan for delivering these performance measures as a strategy for an equitable economy.
Compile economic goals from primary City Strategies
Produce Equity Impact Assessment for Oakland economy.
Conduct Citywide qualitative research through community consultations.
Objective Description: Close racial disparities in access and allocation of departmental services.
Success Measure: The EDS will include a central plan within EWDD for delivering performance measures for aforementioned services as a strategy for an equitable economy;
EDS will also include Equity Impact Assessment for Oakland economy.
Service Title: Development Financing and Project Monitoring
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Monitor ongoing real estate development projects with active public funding agreements, such as Coliseum Connections, Seminary Point Shopping Center, MacArthur Transit Village, etc. Staff and manage the Oakland Renaissance New Markets Tax Credit Program (ORNMTC).
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: Number of projects requiring on-going monitoring
Location of development projects
Objective Description: N/A
Success Measure: N/A
Service Title: Public Art Program
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Manage public art for Capital Improvement projects, facilitate and regulate artists’ and sponsors’ requirements with OMC for privately initiated public art projects in Private Development, and proposed for City property. Location and number of commissions is determined by City Council / CIP process, project parameters.
Service Type: Both
Output Measure: Number of public art projects (which is determined by how many capital improvement projects occur in a given year)
Objective Description: Provide access to public art opportunities for local established and emerging artists of color through Oakland Cultural Strategist for Public Art collaboration and artists’ professional development program.
Success Measure: Increased equity via the diversity, number and range of public artists in the Public Art Pre-Qualified Pool, and subsequent commission opportunities for local artists of color.
Service Title: Federal, State, Local Funding Compliance
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Administer and oversee State and Federal program rules and regulations, including:
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Economic Development Administration (EDA), Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant, Federal Economic Development Agency grants, State of California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) and $5.4M GO-Biz grants.
Develop and implement workforce plans to comply with regional, state and federal requirements.
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: N/A
Objective Description: N/A
Success Measure: N/A
Service Title: Board Management
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Staff and manage boards and commission related to various work programs. Tasks include agenda setting, noticing, note taking, facilitating appointments. Boards and commissions include the Workforce Board, including regular board and executive committee meetings, recruitment, etc., Fox Oakland Theater (FOT) - a subsidiary entity responsible for oversight and management of the Fox Theater, the Public Arts Advisory Committee, Funding Advisory Committee, Cultural Affairs Commission and the Cannabis Regulatory Commission.
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: N/A
Objective Description: Hold Regular Meetings for community input on relevant policies.
Success Measure: Public Arts and CRC meet monthly; the Cultural Affairs Commission and WDB meet at least quarterly
Service Title: Hiring and Succession Planning
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Work with Division Managers to recruit for and fill vacancies, onboard new hires, and coordinate other Human Resource activities including investigations, discipline, and appraisals.
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: N/A
Objective Description: N/A
Success Measure: N/A
This division directs and coordinates work for the Department, including overseeing fiscal, budget, and personnel management, legal and legislative issues, and policy and procedure development, as well as other inter-departmental and inter-division special projects.
Business Development
This division is responsible for developing and implementing programs and strategies to retain, expand, and attract businesses to Oakland and help businesses succeed. Business Development also supports capacity building of neighborhood organizations supporting commercial revitalization. The division works directly with individual business owners and operators, developers, and professional organizations to support small businesses, to foster public/private partnerships, and to bolster Oakland’s competitive advantage and position in target economic cluster groups including health/life science; innovative digital media; clean & green tech; retail; manufacturing, logistics, and food production. This division also works to position Oakland as a desirable place to live, work, and invest through the creation of marketing collateral, multimedia communications, advertising, sponsorships, and other tools that help convey a clear coordinated message about Oakland.
Workforce Development
This division staffs the Oakland Workforce Development Board (OWDB) and manages Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds (WIOA). Guided by an adopted Local Plan, WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. The OWDB is charged with oversight of WIOA and workforce policy development. The OWDB funds adult and youth service providers, oversees the Summer Youth Employment Program, develops citywide job training initiatives, and oversees the operation of the West Oakland Job Resource Center.
Public/Private Development
This division is responsible for negotiating and implementing major land development and public improvements projects including Coliseum, Henry J. Kaiser Civic Auditorium, the Fire Alarm Building, Oak Knoll, 12 St. Remainder parcel, City Center Parcel, 2100 Telegraph, 3050 International Boulevard and 95th and International Boulevard affordable housing projects and TOD projects at West Oakland, Fruitvale, and Coliseum BART stations. The division manages the former Redevelopment Agency’s capital improvements such as streetscape projects, which were designed and constructed to reduce blight and support new and existing businesses and oversees the management of City-owned facilities, such as the Oakland Ice Center, the Scotland Convention Center, and the Fox Theatre. It is also responsible for winding down the affairs of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency (ORSA).
Real Estate Asset Management
This division provides leasing and property management, acquisition, disposition, and commercial/residential relocation services for all City of Oakland and Redevelopment Successor Agency property. It provides real estate consultation services; conducts real estate appraisals; negotiates and monitors lease agreements with renters of City or Agency-owned property; leases property on behalf of the City/Agency; facilitates the assemblage of parcels for City/Agency projects; and advises the City Council and Redevelopment Successor Agency on real estate aspects of major development projects.
Cultural Affairs
This division provides oversight for the commissioning of temporary and permanent works of public art throughout Oakland; maintains the City's public art collection; disseminates public information on art projects; facilitates and consults on art projects generated by individual artists and for the development of community-generated art projects; and reviews proposed gifts of art to the City. It manages the City’s cultural arts grant program that supports Oakland-based art and cultural activities throughout the City. The division also oversees festival culture and coordinates film production. It conducts research into the social and economic impact of Oakland’s cultural ecosystem, e.g. The Oakland Cultural Plan - “Belonging in Oakland.” This division also staffs the Cultural Affairs Commission, an advisory body which was re-established in February 2020.
Special Activities
This division helps ensure the safety of a broad range of businesses and activities and promotes equitable opportunities within these sectors. Subject areas include cannabis businesses, cabarets, massage establishments, mobile food vending, second-hand dealers, bingo, amplified sound, and special events. Through the City’s cannabis equity program, the Special Activity Permits Division implements a variety of strategies to support business and employment ownership opportunities for cannabis entrepreneurs most impacted by the War on Drugs. Equity Program strategies include free technical and legal assistance, interest-free revolving loan and grants programs, shared-use manufacturing facilities, workforce development grants, and a property purchase program.