Public Ethics Commission



External Services

Ethics Education, Advice and Outreach - Community

Ensure that Oakland candidates for office, lobbyists, City contractors, and community members understand and comply with City campaign finance, ethics, and transparency laws.

Data Disclosure and Compliance

Collect state-required filings of local campaign data, assist filers, ensure citizen access, and develop and manage disclosure systems.

Democracy Dollars Public Campaign Financing Program

Implement the City's newly designed Democracy Dollars public financing program that disperses $100 in Democracy Dollar vouchers to eligible Oakland residents who can then assign the Dollars to their preferred candidate.


Conduct investigations of incoming complaints and PEC-initiated allegations of violations of ethics, campaign finance, and transparency laws.


Administrative prosecution of ethics and campaign finance violations resulting in Commission penalties.

Mediation Program

Assist members of the public in accessing public records through mediation as required by the Oakland Sunshine Ordinance.

Internal Services

Legal, Policy, and Leadership

Assess and recommend changes in City policies, laws, systems, and technology to improve ethics compliance, equity in campaign engagement, and innovation.

Ethics Education, Advice and Outreach - City Employees

Ensure that Oakland public servants understand and comply with City campaign finance, ethics, and transparency laws.


Service Title: Democracy Dollars Public Financing Program

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Implement the City's Democracy Dollars system of providing public funds for candidates running for Oakland elective office.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of candidates participating in Democracy Dollars program.

Number of Democracy Dollars vouchers issued.

Number of Democracy Dollars vouchers assigned to candidates.

Number of outreach events/activities.

Objective Description: From first year of implementation, increase outreach each election cycle to Oakland residents in Council Districts with the lowest voter participation based on prior election data.

Success Measure: Percent increase in outreach activities each election cycle to residents with the lowest voter participation based on prior election data.

Percent increase in outreach activities each election cycle to candidates in Council Districts with the lowest candidate participation based on prior election data.

Service Title: Ethics Education, Advice and Outreach - Community

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Ensure that Oakland candidates for office, lobbyists, City contractors, and community members understand and comply with City campaign finance, ethics, and transparency laws.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of advice and assistance requests received annually.

Number of community outreach events annually.

Objective Description: Process requests for assistance within 48 hours of receipt.

Increase community outreach annually.

Target at least one additional outreach event in any district that lacks commissioner representation.

Success Measure: Percent of requests for assistance responded to within 48 hours.

Percent increase in community outreach events.

Percent increase in targeted community outreach events.

Service Title: Data Disclosure and Compliance

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Collect state-required filings of local campaign data, assist filers, ensure citizen access, and develop and manage disclosure systems.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of disclosure filings per year.

Objective Description: Ensure 100 percent of disclosure data collected, updated, and published online is machine-readable and in downloadable formats.

Success Measure: Percent of filers in compliance (no outstanding disclosure statements or reports).

Percent of filings 10 or more days late assessed late penalties.

Service Title: Ethics Education, Advice - City Employees

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Ensure that Oakland public servants understand and comply with City campaign finance, ethics, and transparency laws.

Service Type: Internal

Output Measure: Number of training participants.

Number of advice and assistance requests fulfilled.

Objective Description: Ensure 100% of new employees complete mandatory Ethics training within 30 days of being hired.

Process 70% of requests for assistance withing 48 hours of receipt.

Success Measure: Percent of employees completing mandatory Ethics training within 30 days of hire.

Percent requests for assistance responded to within 48 hours of receipt.

Service Title: Investigations and Enforcement

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Conduct investigations of incoming complaints and PEC-initiated allegations of violations of ethics, campaign finance, and transparency laws. Administrative prosecution of ethics and campaign finance violations resulting in Commission penalties.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of complaints received each year.

Number of investigations initiated each year.

Objective Description: Complete preliminary review* of 60% of complaints within 60 days of receipt.

Success Measure: Processing rate for incoming, formal complaints

Service Title: Mediation Program

Council Priority: Other

Service Description: Assist members of the public in accessing public records through mediation as required by the Oakland Sunshine Ordinance.

Service Type: External

Output Measure: Number of mediation requests.

Number of mediations completed.

Objective Description: Close 70% of mediations requested within the same year opened.

Success Measure: Percent of mediations closed (mediations closed/over mediations received that year).




The Public Ethics Commission is a seven-member board of Oakland residents who provide policy direction to Commission staff and serve as a quasi-judicial board that evaluates allegations of legal violations. The Commission was created by City Charter in 1996 (Section 202) and amended in November 2014 to strengthen the Commission’s independence and staffing (Section 603). In November 2022, Oakland voters approved ballot Measure W, establishing a completely re-designed public campaign financing program including Charter amendments adding Commission staff to administer the program.

The PEC oversees compliance with the following laws and policies: 

  • Oakland Government Ethics Act
  • Oakland Campaign Reform Act
  • Oakland Fair Elections Act
  • Sunshine Ordinance
  • Lobbyist Registration Act
  • Oakland's False Endorsement in Campaign Literature Act