Children, Youth, & Families
Human Services
External Services
Food Distribution Programs
HSD has food distribution programs that assist seniors, people experiencing homelessness, low-income residents experiencing food insecurity, low-income families, and youth. The largest program is the Summer Food Service Program where HSD delivers summer lunches to 60+ community sites including OPRYD and OPL.
Senior Centers
Four senior centers, located throughout the City of Oakland, provides social, recreational, nutritional and educational activities to older adults in our community.
Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) helps vulnerable seniors stay safe and independent in their own homes by providing case management, equipment, supplies and in home support. MSSP prevents up to 350 fragile seniors from nursing home placement.
Paratransit for the Elderly and Disabled Adult (OPED)
Paratransit for the Elderly and Disabled Adult (OPED) provides transport to residents 18 years or older of Oakland or Piedmont who cannot access public transportation due to a mobility disability.
Senior Companions & Foster Grandparents Programs
Since 1974, Senior Companions have provided assistance to adults with physical, emotional or mental health limitations, most of whom are elderly. These clients have difficulties with daily living tasks and Senior Companions help them retain their dignity and independence. Since 1965, Foster Grandparent volunteers have shared their wisdom and experience with children.
Senior ASSETS Employment Program
The ASSETS Program helps low-income adults age 55 and older find work and get employment training.
Senior Information and Referral Services
HSD links individuals 60 years of age and older who need assistance to resources in the community. Follow-up on referrals occur to ensure access.
Emergency Shelters & Transitional Housing
Supports over 1000 safe beds/spaces for people experiencing homelessness.
Employment Programming for Unhoused Residents
Benefits advocacy and employment services for people who are unhoused.
Unhoused Outreach & Health & Hygiene Interventions
Street outreach to connect people experiencing homelessness with services. Portapotties, mobile showers and wash stations provided at 40 encampment sites.
Unhoused Housing Subsidies & Permanent Housing Interventions
Short and long term subsidies to support people experiencing homelessness to maintain housing, including RRH programs and OPRI. Supportive services contracted through nonprofits to support people once they have been housed.
Homelessness Prevention Grants
Grants contracted to nonprofits that provide supportive services to prevent people from becoming unhoused.
Job Training and Employment for Low-Income Residents
Through grants to non-profits, provides entrepreneurship/job training and employment placement opportunities to BIPOC residents with low income.
Financial Support Services
Through grants to non-profits, provides tax prep, second chance banking accounts, financial coaching, debt reduction, and credit repair.
Youth and Family Services
Supports through non-profit grants after-school, academic and youth developmennt services, family resource centers at schools, community sites, and safe spaces for specific youth populations.
Youth Employment, Leadership & Development
Supports through non-profit grants youth job training, internships and placement, and support services.
Sugar Sweetened Beverage Community Grants
Supports through non-profit grants the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity and reduction in sugar sweetened beverage consumption.
Child Development Centers
HSD runs 14 Centers across Oakland providing education & child development services to 758 children from low-income families.
Early Childhood Home Based Program
Education & Child Development services provided to 248 children in their homes.
Early Childhood Family Services
Provides support services to the entire family and assists parents in their personal and family development.
Early Childhood Health Services
Provides high-quality health, oral health, mental health, and nutrition services that are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and that will support each child’s growth and school readiness.
Early Childhood Disability Services
Meets the individualized needs of children with disabilities,and ensures all children have access to and can fully participate in the full range of activities and services.
Boards and Commissions
Staffs and supports 10 City Boards & Commissions: the Mayor's Commission on Aging, the Senior Center Advisory Boards at each of the four Senior Centers, the Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership Administrating Board, the Kids First Oversight Commission, the Oakland Youth Advisory Commission, the Head Start Policy Council, and the Head Start Advisory Board.
Resilience and Trauma Informed Systems Work
Supports resilience in communities after trauma and to create trauma-informed systems of care.
Internal Services
Administration & Grant Management
Monitors department budget, pays vendors, prepares reports, and manages various grant programs.
Policy & Planning
Provides overall direction, strategy and supervision for the department. Ensures strong collaboration with external agencies such as OUSD and Alameda County.
Service Title: Administration & Grant Management
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Monitors department budget, pays vendors, prepares reports, and manages various grant programs.
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: Number of vendor invoices paid monthly.
Objective Description: Pay vendor invoices within 30 days of date received by HSD Finance Dept. to reduce late payment charges.
Success Measure: Percent of invoices paid within 30 days of receipt.
Service Title: Boards & Commissions
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Staffs and supports 10 City Boards & Commissions: the Mayor's Commission on Aging, the Senior Center Advisory Boards at each of the four Senior Centers, the Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership Administrating Board, the Kids First Oversight Commission, the Oakland Youth Advisory Commission, the Head Start Policy Council, and the Head Start Advisory Board.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Boards & Commissions members who are appointed will reflect the racial diversity of Oakland.
Objective Description: Boards and Commission Members reflect racial diversity of Oakland so planning process represents diverse perspectives.
Success Measure: Percent of Boards and Commissions with a majority membership being a race other than White.
Service Title: Policy & Planning; Administration & Grant Management
Council Priority: Other
Service Description: Provides overall direction, strategy, and supervision for the department. Ensures strong collaboration with external agencies such as OUSD and Alameda County; Monitors department budget, pays vendors, prepares reports, and manages various grant programs.
Service Type: Internal
Output Measure: Human Services Dept. (HSD) Management staff will reflect the racial diversity of Oakland.
Objective Description: Reflect racial diversity of Oakland so planning process represents diverse perspectives.
Success Measure: Percent of Internal Management staff and contracting partners teams that are a race other than White.
Service Title: Senior ASSETS Employment Program
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: The ASSETS Program helps low-income adults aged 55 and older find work and get employment training.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of low-income seniors enrolled in ASSETS program that secured employment annually.
Objective Description: Low-income seniors participating in ASSETS program will find employment within one year of program completion.
Success Measure: Percent of low-income seniors who found employment within one year of program completion.
Service Title: Employment Programming for Unhoused Residents
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Benefits advocacy and employment services for people who are unhoused.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of unhoused individuals and families served through benefits advocacy and employment services annually
Objective Description: Participants of Workforce Program will obtain employment within one year of enrollment.
Ensure individuals who apply for public assistance benefits and entitlements secure assistance within one year of application submission.
Success Measure: Percent of participants of Workforce Program that obtained employment within year of enrollment.
Percent of individuals who secured assistance within a year of application submission.
Service Title: Employment Programming for Unhoused Residents
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Benefits advocacy and employment services for people who are unhoused.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of emergency and transitional shelter beds provided to individuals and families annually.
Objective Description: Homeless individuals and families who are homeless in Oakland will be provided with emergency or transitional shelter/housing to achieve low vacancy rate.
Success Measure: Percent of year-round shelter bed inventory with low vacancy rate.
Service Title: Child Development Centers
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: HSD operates 14 Centers across Oakland providing education & child development services to children from low-income families.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of 0-5 year old children enrolled participants that are majority low-income and racial underserved children.
Objective Description: Provide quality, early childhood education to racially underserved, low-income children of Oakland.
Success Measure: Percent of children enrolled in Head Start from underserved racial demographics.
Service Title: Financial Support Services
Council Priority: Good jobs and vibrant economy
Service Description: Through grants to non-profits, provides tax prep, second chance banking accounts, financial coaching, debt reduction, and credit repair.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of low-income tax filers assisted with tax preparation services annually.
Objective Description: Ensure low-income residents that use tax preparation services file their taxes by federal deadline.
Success Measure: Percent of low-income residents that filed taxes by federal deadline.
Service Title: Food Distribution Program
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: HSD has food distribution programs that assist seniors, people experiencing homelessness, low-income residents experiencing food insecurity, low-income families, and youth. The largest program is the Summer Food Service Program where HSD delivers summer lunches to 60+ community sites including OPRYD and OPL.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of food bags and meals provided to individuals and families monthly.
Objective Description: Distribute food bags and meals to individuals and families who experience food insecurity.
Success Measure: Number of food bags and meals distributed annually.
Service Title: Early Childhood Disability Services
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Meets the individualized needs of children with disabilities, and ensures all children have access to and can fully participate in the full range of activities and services.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of children assessed for disabilities to provide needed services.
Objective Description: All children with identified disabilities will receive specialized services.
Success Measure: Each participating child will see improvements in at least 1 school readiness goal in the program year.
Service Title: Early Childhood Health Services
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Provides high-quality health, oral health, mental health, and nutrition services that are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and that will support each child’s growth and school readiness.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Total number of children with up to date immunizations.
Objective Description: Ensure children served will be up to date with immunizations before program start date to prevent delay in enrollment process.
Success Measure: Percent of children served up to date with immunizations before program start date.
Service Title: Early Childhood Home Based Program
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Education & Child Development services are provided to children in a home-based environment.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of 0-3 year old children enrolled that are from majority underserved racial and low-income populations.
Objective Description: Provide quality, early childhood education to racially underserved, low-income children of Oakland, in a homebased environment.
Success Measure: Percent of children enrolled from racially underserved and low-income communities.
Service Title: Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) helps vulnerable seniors stay safe and independent in their own homes by providing case management, equipment, supplies and in home support.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of participants provided with case management services, including equipment, in-home support, and supplies annually.
Objective Description: Prevent nursing home placement to low income frail seniors. Address needs of seniors by providing referrals and linkages to community organizations.
Success Measure: Percent of seniors with complete case management assessment to help identify needs.
Service Title: OFCY Grant Awards
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: OFCY provides funding to mostly non-profits and few public agencies to provide direct services to Oakland children, youth and families through 11 strategies per the 2022-25 Strategic Planning Investment Plan: Career Access and Employment for Opportunity Youth; Career Access and Employment for Youth in School; Comprehensive School-Based Afterschool at Elementary Schools; Comprehensive School-Based Afterschool at Middle Schools; Family Resource Centers and Parent Engagement; High School and Post-Secondary Student Success; Middle School Engagement, Wellness, and Transitions; Social-Emotional Well-Being in Early Childhood; Summer Academic & Enrichment; Violence Prevention; Youth Leadership & Development.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of unduplicated youths served (age 0-21) annually
Objective Description: Funded programs will meet annual performance benchmark per Scope of Work to address the following:
Help children and youth succeed in school and graduate high school.
Prevent and reduce violence, crime, and gang involvement among children and youth.
Success Measure: Percent of programs that meet annual performance benchmark.
Service Title: Paratransit for the Elderly and Disabled Adult (OPED)
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: Paratransit for the Elderly and Disabled Adult (OPED) provides transport to residents 18 years or older of Oakland or Piedmont who cannot access public transportation due to a mobility disability.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of unduplicated clients accessing transportation services.
Objective Description: Increase use of transportation services from prior year for adults with disabilities and seniors 70 or older.
Success Measure: Percent increase in transportation service use annually.
Service Title: Resilience and Trauma Informed Systems Work - ReCAST
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: Supports resilience in communities after trauma and to create trauma-informed systems of care.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of individuals engaging in trauma informed resources and activities annually.
Objective Description: Build capacity and understanding the impact that trauma and stress has on individuals and the community on a whole.
Success Measure: Percent of training attendees that report having gained more knowledge about trauma informed principles and concepts compared to before attending training.
Service Title: Senior Companions & Foster Grandparents Programs
Council Priority: Community Safety, Prevention & Healing
Service Description: Senior Companions provides assistance to adults with physical, emotional or mental health limitations to help them retain their dignity and independence, most of whom are elderly.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of Volunteers providing services for older fragile adults.
Objective Description: Increase number of volunteers from prior year to assist seniors with daily living tasks.
Success Measure: Number of volunteers increased from prior year.
Service Title: Sugar Sweetened Beverage Community Grants
Council Priority: Clean, healthy, sustainable neighborhoods
Service Description: Supports through non-profit grants the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity and reduction in sugar sweetened beverage consumption.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of non-profits in target areas including West Oakland, East Oakland, San Antonio and Fruitvale that receive funds.
Objective Description: Reduce high consumption of sugar beverages that contribute to disproportionately high level of disease in Oakland.
Success Measure: Percent increase in consumption of healthier beverages, over soda and other high sugar beverages.
Service Title: Unhoused Outreach & Health & Hygiene Interventions
Council Priority: Housing Security & Homelessness Solutions
Service Description: Street outreach to connect people experiencing homelessness with services. Portapotties, mobile showers and wash stations provided at 40 encampment sites.
Service Type: External
Output Measure: Number of annual outreach services and hygiene services to unhoused individuals.
Objective Description: Provide Outreach services (along with hygiene stations and hygiene kits) to unhoused individuals that are currently not connected with services such as housing resources and financial assistance.
Success Measure: Percentage of unhoused individuals that outreach staff connect with that enter emergency shelter.
Administration provides overall management and administration and fiscal support to all Human Services Department (HSD) Divisions. Administration includes liaison with elected official, legislative advocacy, fund development, intergovernmental relations, supporting multi-agency initiatives, policy development, and departmental communications, human resources and payroll support. Fiscal management includes budgeting, audits, grants monitoring and accounting. Administration also manages a Substance Abuse and Mental Health five-year initiative to create community resilience, support the department’s transformation into a trauma informed system of care, and program policy and services that are trauma informed and crafted to speak to and address racial equity.
Aging & Adult Services
Provide a comprehensive and coordinated network of support services, information and referrals, and activities for seniors and persons with disabilities. Programs include: The Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) which supports frail seniors and persons with disabilities to remain independent; Senior Companion and Foster Grandparent (SC/FG) Programs which offer volunteer opportunities for seniors to work with frail-elderly and at-risk children; and the ASSETS program which provides low-income seniors with employment training services and job placement. Oakland Paratransit for the Elderly and Disabled (OPED) provides paratransit services which augment the County’s paratransit program. OPED is funded by Alameda County Measure B Transportation Initiative and is augmented by Measure BB. Additionally, City-sponsored Senior Centers offer culturally appropriate and accessible social, nutrition, education and wellness programming for seniors throughout the City. Senior Centers have extended their reach to members by offering online and televised classes to create Senior Centers Without Walls. Technology education, equipment lending, and a contactless registration system are addressing evolving senior needs for communication and other resources. Rental of City-owned senior facilities generate revenue to support senior activities. The Mayor’s Commission on Aging provides advocacy and policy direction on senior issues and promotes Oakland as an Age Friendly City under the World Health Organization’s international initiative.
Community Housing Services
Providing critical services for Oakland’s most vulnerable individuals and families including those who are very low income, experiencing homelessness, are HIV/ AIDS positive and/or food insecure. Community Housing Services provides a range of housing support including shelter, transitional housing, service enriched interim housing models, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing. Services also include interventions for individuals living on the streets through emergency health and hygiene interventions, interim shelter solutions, outreach, case management and housing navigation. The updated Permanent Access To Housing (PATH) Plan provides guiding principles to support the balanced investments in the full spectrum of homeless services, from basic harm reduction to permanent supportive housing.
This work includes recent emergency allocations from the State of California (Homeless Emergency Aid Program or HEAP) to address the crisis of unsheltered neighbors. The Division is also the lead for Oakland in the County’s Coordinated Entry System of Housing Resource Centers for those who are unhoused. Through its brown bag food program, low-income individuals in all parts of Oakland are provided with essential supplemental meals. The Division also supports the Mayor’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.
Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership
Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership (AC-OCAP) manages the City’s and Alameda County’s Community Services Block Grant funds which are dedicated to ending poverty within the City of Oakland and throughout Alameda County. AC-OCAP’s mission is to improve the community by creating pathways that lead to economic empowerment and prosperity. Initiatives include hunger relief, employment strategies, housing advocacy, low-income banking efforts, and free tax preparation and promotion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Children & Youth Services
The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth (OFCY) fosters the development of young people ages 0 to 20 by providing grant funds for services and programs that improve outcomes for children and youth. The Planning and Oversight Committee provides policy recommendations to the City Council and oversees strategic planning, evaluation and grant-making through a competitive proposal process. A City Charter amendment (1996 Measure K – Kids First! voter initiative) established OFCY as a mandated set aside of funds, later amended by Measures OO and D, resulting in a 3% set aside of the City’s unrestricted general fund revenues for children's programs. Legislation requires completion of an OFCY Strategic Plan every four years and a comprehensive evaluation of OFCY annually. Programs strategies include comprehensive afterschool, youth transitions, and early childhood development. The Division also manages the Oakland Youth Commission which gives youth the opportunity to build leadership skills and participate in civic activities. The Summer Food Service program delivers free, healthy nutritious lunches to low-income school-aged children in Oakland neighborhoods and community sites including libraries and recreation centers during the summer months. The Sugar Sweetened Beverage (SSB) Distribution Tax program and its Advisory Board is also supported by this Division. SSB includes public health messaging, community grants, and investments in healthy living and community nutrition to prevent or reduce the adverse health outcomes of the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages.
Early Childhood & Family Services
The City of Oakland Head Start Program provides care and education, comprehensive support, and family services to over 1,006 low-income families. Children who are 0-5 years of age can attend the program either at centers or in their own home. Head Start also serves pregnant mothers and prioritizes young, first time mothers and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) women. We partner with parents to develop learning and growth plans for each child to ensure healthy development and to prepare them for success in Pre-K and Kindergarten. The comprehensive services we provide support the growth and development of children and pregnant mothers by addressing developmental learning, mental health and disabilities, physical health, nutrition and family needs.
The program provides directs services to families at thirteen centers located in the most underserved areas of Oakland. We also offer virtual learning and homebased programs. In addition to direct services, we manage grants to three partner organizations: Brighter Beginnings, St Vincent’s Day Home, and Laney Community College and one delegate agency, The Unity Council, to serve additional families across Oakland. We ensure that our partners and delegate agency meet quality standards for service delivery and the federal requirements of Head Start and City of Oakland priorities.
Head Start is a US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) program. The HHS Poverty Guidelines determine income eligibility for participation in Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Unhoused foster children and families who receive TANF (temporary assistance to needy families) funds are automatically eligible.
The City of Oakland program is governed by a Policy Council, comprised of parents as well as an Advisory Board, made up of Oakland leaders focused on Early Childhood Development, with decision making authority that contributes to policy and program guidelines and ensures the implementation and achievement of federal requirements.
Oakland’s Human Services Department provides services to promote equity and resilience for Oakland residents, many of whom are low income and/or experiencing a life crisis such as homelessness.
Some of the work we accomplished In FY 21-22 included:
- 4 Senior Centers provided case management services, social activities, and food distribution to over 3,200 Seniors.
- Information and Assistance programs for seniors provided information, referral and follow up services to support more than 4,000 vulnerable Oakland seniors during the pandemic.
- AC-OCAP funding allowed for 17,680 individuals to receive food assistance.
- 4,560 Oakland low-wage earners received free tax preparation services through AC-OCAP’s signature.
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign resulting in $8,523,000 being returned into the pockets of Oakland’s low-income households.
- OFCY Request for Proposal for the FY2022-2025 grant cycle was released in January 2021 and resulted in 149 programs being funded for approximately $19M for FY22-23.
- The Head Start program is funded to serve 674 children 0-5 years of age and expectant parents.
- MSSP supported more than 500 seniors that assisted with health and daily living activities that enabled them to continue living independent and dignified lives.
- 2,339 clients were served in homeless & housing programs; 589 in Permanent Housing.
- 258 AC-OCAP Families Received Transitional Housing/Emergency Shelter and 50 Families Obtained/Maintained Permanent Housing.