Financial policies
Capital projects administration
12. Capital project administration
12.1 Reduction of appropriations if revenues are not realized
The amounts appropriated for capital projects using various revenue sources are appropriated contingent upon the reasonable expectation of receipt of the identified revenue.
12.2 Re-appropriation of capital projects
Capital project appropriations automatically roll over from year to year for ongoing or incomplete projects. Appropriations associated with non-CIP capital requests shall only roll-over if meeting the roll-over criteria for operations. The balances of prior year appropriations supporting operating budgets and reimbursable projects in capital project funds, internal service funds and enterprise funds do not roll over from year to year.
12.3 Expiration of revenue-funded capital projects in enterprise funds
For certain enterprise fund capital projects, annual revenues are designated as the source of funding. These projects are typically for recurring major maintenance projects or ongoing long-term programs. For these projects, the expenditures are to be paid from funds of the appropriation year in which the work occurs. These projects will not have their appropriations carried forward since they receive a new annual appropriation each year based on work needs, existing financial capacity and utility rate considerations. Exceptions for large multi-year standalone enterprise projects will be made on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Finance Officer. Bond appropriations authorized for these programs will be carried over upon request.
12.4 Reallocation of bond resources
Reallocation of excess bond proceeds must follow applicable charter, statutory and IRS regulations and provisions related to the issuance and use of those resources consistent with the City’s comprehensive plan. Bonds cannot be reallocated until a project is completed and closed or abandoned. At the time of project closing, any excess bond proceeds will be reallocated according to the following priorities:
- Completed projects with existing deficits;
- Approved capital projects or programs with projected deficits;
- Returned to the debt service fund to pay debt service;
- If bond proceeds are returned to the debt service fund, a corresponding increase in capital allocations will be made in the next capital year.
12.5 Expiration of capital project funding
For all capital appropriations, the City Council authorizations for bond issuance and project appropriation will expire after a maximum of four years following original project appropriation.
The expiration of bond authorizations and project appropriations under this policy will automatically take place unless a request for extension is specifically made to the relevant City Council Committee and then is approved by the City Council.