Enterprise Funds

Enterprise Funds

These funds are used to account for operations that provide services financed primarily by user charges or activities where periodic measurement of net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control or other purposes. The revenues and expenditures presented within this schedule are presented on a budgetary basis to ensure that the funds have the resources necessary to fund current operating needs. Refer to the budget policy for further information. The Enterprise funds include the Wastewater Fund and Water Fund.

Total Expenditures by Fund


Wastewater fund is used to account for the operations and maintenance of the Wastewater treatment system, capital additions, improvements to the system, and retirement of revenue bonds. Fund expenditures is primarily financed by charges billed to residential, commercial, municipal, and industrial users of the system.

The Budget is separated below into:

  • Operating Budget which is the funding and expenditures for administering, treating, and maintaining the City's wastewater system.
  • Capital Improvement Program which is the planned improvements for the plant and infrastructure of the system.

Wastewater - Operating Budget - Revenues and Expenditures

Wastewater - Capital Improvement Summary

Wastewater - Total Revenues and Expenditures


The water fund is used to account for the operations and maintenance of the water supply system, capital additions, improvements to the system, and retirement of bonds. Water operations is primarily funded by charges billed to residential, commercial, and industrial users of the system.

The Budget is separated below into:

  • Operating Budget which is the funding and expenditures for administering, sourcing, treating, and maintaining the City's water system.
  • Capital Improvement Program which is the planned improvements for the plant and infrastructure of the system.

Water - Operating Budget - Revenues and Expenditures

Water - Capital Improvement Summary

Water - Total Revenues and Expenditures

Total Enterprise Funds

Total Enterprise Funds - Revenues and Expenditures