Desired Outcomes by 2026

1. Ipswich is celebrated as a clean, green, circular economy city.


2. Our natural environment is interconnected across the city. It is managed to balance positive conservation and nature-based recreation outcomes including wildlife habitat protection.


3. Our waterway health is improved.


4. Our natural environment is managed to support the continuation of traditional cultural practices.

Measuring Our Progress

Council will monitor performance against implementation of iFuture through quarterly reporting against our Annual Plan, as well as reporting against iFuture performance in our Annual Report. These regular reviews will help to ensure iFuture retains its currency and relevance, and is achieving progress towards the desired outcomes for the city in 2026.


For the iFuture Theme 3: Natural and Sustainable, we are measuring our progress through:


  • Community Perception Survey
  • Living in Ipswich Survey
  • Ipswich Waste Services Corporate Plan 2021-2026 Yearly Performance Outcomes
  • Waterway Health Report Card


You can view the results for measuring our progress outlined below. We will continue to publish the results of our progress on the Transparency Hub as data becomes available.


The community perception survey was undertaken in 2021 with market research of 1000 people across Ipswich. This survey is a baseline for the commencement of iFuture and will be completed again at the end of the five years (2026). The key questions relating to Theme 3 are outlined below.


The respondent profile in 2021 was:

Gender: Female (48.2%); Male (51.8%); Prefer not to say (0%)

Age Group: Under 18yrs (0%); 19-29yrs (7%); 30-39yrs (19%); 40-49yrs (26%); 50-64yrs (25%); 65-74yrs (17%); 75yrs+ (5%); Refused (1%)


The 2021 results show the percentage of people satisfied or very satisfied with:

• Natural areas and nature-based recreation (74.4%)

• Protects its heritage and culturally important buildings, landmarks and landscapes (40.1%)


The Overall Liveability Index shows what the community believes makes somewhere a good place to live and how they experience their local area in that regard. It highlights the liveability attributes where residents' local area experiences need to be maintained or improved to advance quality of life in their local area. The survey is undertaken every year. You can learn more about the Living in Ipswich Survey here.


Multiple performance standards have been identified for Ipswich Waste Services. In order to demonstrate the Ipswich Waste Services team's commitment to achieving these objectives, the following targets have been set to be achieved over the next five years:


Reduce Waste to Landfill-Recovery Rate Target as a Percentage of Total Waste Generated

  • Municipal Solid Waste = 55%


Achieve Excellence in Customer Service

  • Customer response to survey questions indicates customer satisfaction with Council's waste service = >90%


Deliver Efficient and Effective Operations

  • New domestic refuse and recycling service commencements actioned within five working days of notification = >85%
  • New green waste service commencements actioned within five working days = >85%
  • Requests for bin replacements and repairs actioned within five working days = >85%
  • Missed and extra service requests completed within one working day = >85%
  • Number of domestic refuse and recycling bin missed service complaints or extra services requested per 1,000 bins in service = <5%


Healthy Land and Water is an independent organisation dedicated to improving and protecting the South East Queensland (SEQ) environment. They work with councils in SEQ to monitor the health of waterways in the region. The Waterway Health Report Card for Bremer River catchment is outlined below. To learn more about how this is measured and why the results are changing, you can visit the report here.